Motley County Matadors

So, whut yew iz atellin' me iz the fact that Richland can't hit. Well, that may be yur idee bout it all, but I done think yew mite offend sum of the Richland fellers with a statement like that. Yew iz actin' like Richland iz bout as tuff as a wet kleenex.
I mean, it done sounds like yew think Richland played a weak schedule and done rung up a bunch of numbers, but reely won't hit nobody.
Hey Goob
Big_itsunodos3 dun wint and calledid our boys wet terlit paper or sumin, hell now I's confuserated, I's gonna take a bottle of wahalotee 101 and go sit inna deer blind, I's takin 2 guns incase I's ceed 2 bucs.
honey wher's my bulitt
Hey Goob

Hate that we will not playing you again this year was looking forward to a rematch but looks like
we will be playing basketball. Motley Countys a good team wished we would have been healthly but as you know
thats football.
I was looking forward to you meeting my Court Jester since my prince done went and graduated.

Good luck Goob I will have to say i expect to see Coyotes crown state champs in both D1 and D2.
If I decide to go Christmas shopping might stop by to see the game but hate
to drive it for a 45ing.

Dear queen,

I will done miss yew as well. If yew do end up at the game give me a shout. I iz sportin' a new hairpiece.
Dear Bigtwit123,

Now, yew iz the one that done started all thiz talk bout how Richland's fellers wuz weak and cudn't hit and played like a bunch of girly boys. I jest pointed out that I didn't think them Richland fellers wud appreciate that assessment. I mean, yew done wuz atellin' uz bout how hard-hittin' them matadors iz and how they wuz goin' to teach Richland a thing or two bout hittin'.
I done gotz to tell yew, I iz a lil amazed at the lack of respect yew done gotz fer Richland. Here I iz thinkin' Motley has done got a good chance to win the whole thing and thare yew iz, thinkin' Richland shudn't even git off the bus cuz they iz goin' to git thare heads kicked in. All I can done say iz: Shazaam!
Goob i do think that new hairdo does look good on you , i wonder if you ever did have any hair to start with? and while i am wondering what ever happen to that confession that you posted back in Dec the day of the State game , i think that was 07. You gave a complete low down on yourself and then it was gone by high noon. Of course this was after some one ratted you out.
Dear doublepooch,

Naw, that wuz a one-time shot. I done keep most of that close to the company vest. Plus, it ain't reely all that interestin'.

Yew knowd, I reely didn't care bout folks knowin', but whut I hated iz it done took away from people wunderin' and that wuz haf the fun--fer them and me.

True story: We wuz sittin' in the press box at Angelo fer the Rankin-Rule semi game in '07. In front of uz on the next row wuz sum reporters from Midland coverin' the Rankin experience and one of them had hiz computer open to thiz here website and I done looked over at the feller next to me who I didn't knowd and said, "Yew done mean to tell me that thare iz a website all bout sixman?" To which he done said, "Oh, come on, yew done have to knowd bout that, in fact, yew iz prolly Goob." To which I done said, "Nope, I ain't him, but I knowd him and he iz a first-class pekkerwood."

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