Most Interesting "Poster"

Now for my picks, Goob is funny, Pete and Granger are informative, Cowboy and Smokey are fun to watch their posts. I am just getting my feet wet with this talk stuff. So I will get to know more posters as I go along.
Being "dawgfan" you really should include Canine Countenance AKA, dogface......we try to be be kind to him..........him being "special" and all.....................
dawgfan23":19q7ve0q said:
Well, from all these responses/ comments, the six man forum is definately alive and well.
"Well" is a kind and possible naive opinion for a new poster. A week ago we helped CP pass a kidney stone. Rainjack never commented on his new title so I guess he likes it but I'm afraid the "his" part reinforces his superiority mindset as in a "Title" and should be reduced to the analyist since he used to keep stat's. Many take turns insulting each other for fun, me included. But sometimes football is discussed.
51eleven":1ozgu9ja said:
dawgfan23":1ozgu9ja said:
Well, from all these responses/ comments, the six man forum is definately alive and well.
"Well" is a kind and possible niaeve opinion for a new poster. A week ago we helped CP pass a kidney stone. Rainjack never commented on his new title so I guess he likes it but I'm afraid the "his" part reinforces his superiority mindset as in a "Title" and should be reduced to the analyist since he used to keep stat's. Many take turns insulting each other for fun, me included. But sometimes football is discussed.
I didn't know it was possible to sum things up so well. Great job!
dawgfan23":pnhgvubr said:
I know I'm a little behind you seasoned vets at this, but I'll try hard to keep up or catch up. :)
You've got the football part of it under control, now it's time to practice mindless drivel and insane babble.
You can practice insults on Fajitapete, ofb, Smokeyjoe, Hornkeeper, Doggy, & me. Good luck keeping up!
51eleven":14vdd0ld said:
dawgfan23":14vdd0ld said:
Well, from all these responses/ comments, the six man forum is definately alive and well.
"Well" is a kind and possible niaeve opinion for a new poster. A week ago we helped CP pass a kidney stone. Rainjack never commented on his new title so I guess he likes it but I'm afraid the "his" part reinforces his superiority mindset as in a "Title" and should be reduced to the analyist since he used to keep stat's. Many take turns insulting each other for fun, me included. But sometimes football is discussed.

Have had names and titles given to me more often than you change your underwear. I've stopped paying attention to the newest hip thing the kids are saying these days.
dawgfan23":1mjtj7bl said:
I know I'm a little behind you seasoned vets at this, but I'll try hard to keep up or catch up. :)

If you can buckle your own hockey helmet, you are already light years ahead of these rocket scientists.
dawgfan23":3t9ni1c6 said:
I will try to pay special attention to his posts when I see them. :)
I've never really had a fan before.

Wait a minute,
let me put on my hockey helmet,
I bet he's really someone's Bulldog.
Someone else to corrupt.
Nope didn't hear it, but a slight stinch is in the air. I'm gonna go home and get my rubber boots and take my laptop to higher ground.