My reply was to your statement that Coach B never lost a regular season game. How sly of you. Coach B didn't but his team did, to what few teams actually presented any degree of competition. I think we can agree that true competition is what makes football or any sport for that matter interesting. Otherwise we all lose interest. But you having watched the 2008 or 2009 Strawn teams play a few times does not prevent you from being a Newbie. You certainly like all things Richland Springs and Coach B, enjoy that.
Actually, I asked if they ever lost a regular season game. Sorry it took me so long to respond to you, but I had to look up how many games Richland Springs lost in the regular season with Burkhart as their coach for the last 15 years. Are you ready for this?
*Borden County, 2009
*May, 2013
*Happy 2017
I believe that is accurate since Richland went 192-10 with Burkhart while winning 8 state titles; Therefore, 7 of their loses came in the playoffs while the 3 mentioned above during the regular season.
Do you really want to say that Richland played nobody in those 15 regular seasons of going 10-0 twelve times and 9-1 three times? I can tell you right now that the 2007 Rochelle Hornets, a district opponent of Richland Spring's, would have easily won the DII State Title that year!
While I respect Strawn, you cannot win this argument and are simply calling me a "newb" because you know I am right!