May vs strawn

TebowTime15":1h8dsc69 said:
Lee and Reed are both elite, I would put them in the tier right below Burkhart. I would probably take Vance Jones over either of them, but it is a close call. They would personally be my number 3 and 4 coaches in all of sixman.

Reed was basically the only coach with a scintilla of success against TE's Coyotes with both Rule and Throckmorton. Lee's 09 Strawn team was insanely good to the point I think they may be one of the best teams in sixman football history. I do think it's impressive that Lee has stayed at Strawn for so many years, but then again I like Reed challenging himself to coach 11 man.

It's amazing Palo Pinto County is big enough for the both of them!

TE graduated in 07, he never played Throck in a state game.

If coach Kyle Chandler was commenting I imagine he might say something like "if your talking about basically a six man top five active coaching list and not mentioning Trey Richey of Borden County, your lost".

The 09 team's performance was historic. Some might blame it on Trey's foot but I'm not sure fully healthy it would have changed the final outcome as great as he was. Scoring 88 points in the state game and not winning is still kind of mind blowing, 10 years later.
TebowTime15":2enza20h said:
Lee and Reed are both elite, I would put them in the tier right below Burkhart. I would probably take Vance Jones over either of them, but it is a close call. They would personally be my number 3 and 4 coaches in all of sixman.

Reed was basically the only coach with a scintilla of success against TE's Coyotes with both Rule and Throckmorton. Lee's 09 Strawn team was insanely good to the point I think they may be one of the best teams in sixman football history. I do think it's impressive that Lee has stayed at Strawn for so many years, but then again I like Reed challenging himself to coach 11 man.

It's amazing Palo Pinto County is big enough for the both of them!

TE graduated in 07, he never played Throck in a state game.

If coach Kyle Chandler was commenting I imagine he might say something like "if your talking about basically a six man top five active coaching list and not mentioning Trey Richey of Borden County, your lost".

The 09 team's performance was historic. Some might blame it on Trey's foot but I'm not sure fully healthy it would have changed the final outcome as great as he was. Scoring 88 points in the state game and not winning is still kind of mind blowing, 10 years later.
51eleven":5gp1uzyw said:
TebowTime15":5gp1uzyw said:
Lee and Reed are both elite, I would put them in the tier right below Burkhart. I would probably take Vance Jones over either of them, but it is a close call. They would personally be my number 3 and 4 coaches in all of sixman.

Reed was basically the only coach with a scintilla of success against TE's Coyotes with both Rule and Throckmorton. Lee's 09 Strawn team was insanely good to the point I think they may be one of the best teams in sixman football history. I do think it's impressive that Lee has stayed at Strawn for so many years, but then again I like Reed challenging himself to coach 11 man.

It's amazing Palo Pinto County is big enough for the both of them!

TE graduated in 07, he never played Throck in a state game.

If coach Kyle Chandler was commenting I imagine he might say something like "if your talking about basically a six man top five active coaching list and not mentioning Trey Richey of Borden County, your lost".

The 09 team's performance was historic. Some might blame it on Trey's foot but I'm not sure fully healthy it would have changed the final outcome as great as he was. Scoring 88 points in the state game and not winning is still kind of mind blowing, 10 years later.

I never said TE played Throckmorton in a state game? He graduated in 2008 (the 2007 football season) and his only lost was to Throckmorton in 2005, his sophomore year, in the game before state. No offense to Valley, but "the Western Conference Finals" was the championship that year in the same way the 2000 WCF finals between the LA Lakers and Portland Trailblazers was the true finals that year.

I think Nathan Hayes would be my #5 if that tells you anything! ;)

I saw that 09 Strawn Team play 5 times that year, mannnn they were tough! Trey looked like another guy until all the seniors graduated and he started running like Earl Campbell in 2010. Although not as overall talented, that 2010 Garden City over Strawn state game was an AMAZING game!!!!!!
Nathan hays is a wonderful coach and kids are great athletes . Most definitely would be in my top 10 .

1. Vance Jones
2 Jerry Burkhart
3.Dwayne Lee
4.Trey Richie
5. Mike Reed
6. Shawn Rodgers
7. Nathan Hayes
8. Mind went blank on mays coaches name . Sorry coach Steele
9. Ronnie Crumpton
10.eddie . G

Figured I would list them lol
ranking’s mean nothing but people’s opinion. How I see it is look at Strawns schedule and Gordon’s. Strawn undefeated in Gordon’s schedule and i think Gordon is win less in Strawn schedule. Both coach’s are dang good. Strawn has a couple key players that are out that would have change the out come in GC and May game. What I have heard is Strawn will be healthy for this game. Hopefully Reed will have his team more prepared to play this year then the last couple. Like to see the Strawn and Gordon game get back to a dog fight like the old days.
In reference to the Strawn/Gordon "rivalry" its more hype than anything else. I have been around it several times the kids do intermingle and get along except for that one week of the year, lol. Now if you want a real rivalry look no further that Ira/ Hermleigh those folks HATE each other. If you are from the other town depending on where the game is you cant even get served in the concession stand. I was told by a man that lives in Ira that there is a saying there " If you are good when you die you go to heaven but if you are bad you go to Hermleigh" now that is a rivalry. I think both communities Ira and Hermleigh have great folks on them same a s Gordon and Strawn. I love the Rival games but it seems with today's kiddos it is not that big of deal. maybe because having PRIDE in your school is considered "uncool". Passion for the game is awesome i love it wish it was like it was in the 80's and 90's but its not. As far as top coaches comparing Lee and Reed both are great coaches just different styles. My top three coaches from Gordon would be:
1. Nelson Campbell
2. Shane Mallory
3. Tye Adams
I excluded Reed from this list not because he is not a good coach but because he has not had the success at Gordon as the others far.
But like everything else on this board its all OPINION.

Can assistant coaches be on the list? I am pretty sure Rodgers is an assistant at Richland. If so, give me Harley Ethridge! I also think Terry Crawford should be top 10, despite the recent struggles.
interesting how this turned into the best coaches topic.

In my mind the best coach, all around as coach, teacher, mentor, between two guys. Ask me in person and I will tell you who those two coaches are lol.

Lot of great coaches out there not mentioned here either
With no definition of "best", it's all subjective. Period.
A good friend? A good teacher? A good mentor? He knows his X's and O's? A great citizen? Kids like him? Parents like him? He drives a car I like?
Go to the State contest and pick the "best" One Act Play. It won't be the one that the judges choose.
Jericho941":mzsxsux3 said:
In reference to the Strawn/Gordon "rivalry" its more hype than anything else. I have been around it several times the kids do intermingle and get along except for that one week of the year, lol. Now if you want a real rivalry look no further that Ira/ Hermleigh those folks HATE each other. If you are from the other town depending on where the game is you cant even get served in the concession stand. I was told by a man that lives in Ira that there is a saying there " If you are good when you die you go to heaven but if you are bad you go to Hermleigh" now that is a rivalry. I think both communities Ira and Hermleigh have great folks on them same a s Gordon and Strawn. I love the Rival games but it seems with today's kiddos it is not that big of deal. maybe because having PRIDE in your school is considered "uncool". Passion for the game is awesome i love it wish it was like it was in the 80's and 90's but its not. As far as top coaches comparing Lee and Reed both are great coaches just different styles. My top three coaches from Gordon would be:
1. Nelson Campbell
2. Shane Mallory
3. Tye Adams
I excluded Reed from this list not because he is not a good coach but because he has not had the success at Gordon as the others far.
But like everything else on this board its all OPINION.
Try telling the Gordon players the game is not a rivalry when they get beat 80 to 6 and 80 to Zero in consecutive years. If it is not a rivalry game they certainly should want it to be.
Leman Saunders":3bj5e6jt said:
interesting how this turned into the best coaches topic.

In my mind the best coach, all around as coach, teacher, mentor, between two guys. Ask me in person and I will tell you who those two coaches are lol.

Lot of great coaches out there not mentioned here either

I kind of thought it went without saying that all the men mentioned in this thread, all the other sixman coaches, all the eleven men coaches, and coaches of other sports make a difference. Should we throw in policemen, doctors, soldiers, nurses, janitors, non-coach teachers and a bunch of othesr? The men listed by me and others arguably have achieved the most in terms of wins and losses in within sixmanfootball, but that doesn't mean others aren't making a difference. Just because you exclude someone doesn't mean they aren't good at their job.
Texlonghorn75":36dtah3n said:
Jericho941":36dtah3n said:
In reference to the Strawn/Gordon "rivalry" its more hype than anything else. I have been around it several times the kids do intermingle and get along except for that one week of the year, lol. Now if you want a real rivalry look no further that Ira/ Hermleigh those folks HATE each other. If you are from the other town depending on where the game is you cant even get served in the concession stand. I was told by a man that lives in Ira that there is a saying there " If you are good when you die you go to heaven but if you are bad you go to Hermleigh" now that is a rivalry. I think both communities Ira and Hermleigh have great folks on them same a s Gordon and Strawn. I love the Rival games but it seems with today's kiddos it is not that big of deal. maybe because having PRIDE in your school is considered "uncool". Passion for the game is awesome i love it wish it was like it was in the 80's and 90's but its not. As far as top coaches comparing Lee and Reed both are great coaches just different styles. My top three coaches from Gordon would be:
1. Nelson Campbell
2. Shane Mallory
3. Tye Adams
I excluded Reed from this list not because he is not a good coach but because he has not had the success at Gordon as the others far.
But like everything else on this board its all OPINION.
Try telling the Gordon players the game is not a rivalry when they get beat 80 to 6 and 80 to Zero in consecutive years. If it is not a rivalry game they certainly should want it to be.

I'd just like to point out, IMO, Coach Lee did not intentionally run the score up either year. I was at the first one, listened last year. If I remember right he was pulling starters at the end of the first quarter both years. The score was already into the 40's both years wasn't it? Trouble is the players are raised knowing no matter how good or bad either team is this is the big game of the year in regular season. Stories of the rivalry from parents, family, friends in years past. Given a chance, even the non starters or JV want to score against the other. Should he tell them not to?
Everyone Knows More":27bc2zwn said:
Better than Dewayne Lee?
Someone get this guy a boat so he can ACTUALLY go fishing.

Lee vs Reed? Given the exact same talent on a neutral field I think it goes into overtime.
I’ve said it before and until someone convinces me otherwise, Lee is the absolute best at putting players at the position that they will best help the team. And he’s pretty dang good at all the rest of it. Strength and conditioning is up there too. He knows his X’s and O’s His only known weakness is knowing when to fold a bad hand in hold em. Super nice guy but he will take a jab at me when I’ve earned it, lol.
I don’t know near as much about Reed but I know he is a great motivator, excellent at conditioning, superb at knowing which formations his team will excel at to exploit the other teams weaknesses. Also a super nice guy, don’t know if he can play hold em or not. I’m always skeptical about a coach coming back to his home town to coach, but I think Reed is a fit and has made it work.
If I were to open a school in Mingus, I would try to get either of them, or both if I could afford it. Would NOT want to have to make the decision on who to put at head coach if I got em both though.

For those of you who don’t know, I am a Gordon graduate, went to Strawn in elementary school watching my uncle play as a greyhound, and I have a nephew on the Strawn team. I’ve got black and gold blood with some pretty thick veins of red and black.
Shad Kline":jl0djy1y said:
Everyone Knows More":jl0djy1y said:
Better than Dewayne Lee?
Someone get this guy a boat so he can ACTUALLY go fishing.

Lee vs Reed? Given the exact same talent on a neutral field I think it goes into overtime.
I’ve said it before and until someone convinces me otherwise, Lee is the absolute best at putting players at the position that they will best help the team. And he’s pretty dang good at all the rest of it. Strength and conditioning is up there too. He knows his X’s and O’s His only known weakness is knowing when to fold a bad hand in hold em. Super nice guy but he will take a jab at me when I’ve earned it, lol.
I don’t know near as much about Reed but I know he is a great motivator, excellent at conditioning, superb at knowing which formations his team will excel at to exploit the other teams weaknesses. Also a super nice guy, don’t know if he can play hold em or not. I’m always skeptical about a coach coming back to his home town to coach, but I think Reed is a fit and has made it work.
If I were to open a school in Mingus, I would try to get either of them, or both if I could afford it. Would NOT want to have to make the decision on who to put at head coach if I got em both though.

For those of you who don’t know, I am a Gordon graduate, went to Strawn in elementary school watching my uncle play as a greyhound, and I have a nephew on the Strawn team. I’ve got black and gold blood with some pretty thick veins of red and black.

Got’m, and Hooked you in the mouth as well.
Everyone Knows More":39i3nl15 said:
Shad Kline":39i3nl15 said:
Everyone Knows More":39i3nl15 said:
Better than Dewayne Lee?
Someone get this guy a boat so he can ACTUALLY go fishing.

Lee vs Reed? Given the exact same talent on a neutral field I think it goes into overtime.
I’ve said it before and until someone convinces me otherwise, Lee is the absolute best at putting players at the position that they will best help the team. And he’s pretty dang good at all the rest of it. Strength and conditioning is up there too. He knows his X’s and O’s His only known weakness is knowing when to fold a bad hand in hold em. Super nice guy but he will take a jab at me when I’ve earned it, lol.
I don’t know near as much about Reed but I know he is a great motivator, excellent at conditioning, superb at knowing which formations his team will excel at to exploit the other teams weaknesses. Also a super nice guy, don’t know if he can play hold em or not. I’m always skeptical about a coach coming back to his home town to coach, but I think Reed is a fit and has made it work.
If I were to open a school in Mingus, I would try to get either of them, or both if I could afford it. Would NOT want to have to make the decision on who to put at head coach if I got em both though.

For those of you who don’t know, I am a Gordon graduate, went to Strawn in elementary school watching my uncle play as a greyhound, and I have a nephew on the Strawn team. I’ve got black and gold blood with some pretty thick veins of red and black.

Got’m, and Hooked you in the mouth as well.
Well I’m named after a bait fish, so there’s that.

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