Keep it up Hornets

What a powerful set of runners we saw last night --- and some GREAT blocking. 39 point underdogs but Rochelle came out on top -- way on top. GOOD JOB GUYS!!! I'm not sure PC knows what hit em.
According to legend, Toostie saw the Hornets could not compete in sixman so he moved them to 11 man so that even though they would lose more kids would get to play. At least that was what was told to me.
Now that is probably the stupidest reason to go 11 man from 6 man I have heard. It even beats the reason Hermleigh went back to 11 man for a couple of seasons a few years ago.

Was he the superintendent?
Yes Tootsie was the Supt. No telling why he did lots of the stuff he did. I know we went back to 6 man because we had so many kids hurt that we couldn't even finish our last 11 man season. Of course I remember William Covington. He played in an alumni game recently in Brady (for Lohn) and I think he was still pretty fast.
High Plains Drifter, Tootsie was a legend at Rochelle. We used to vote every year on consolodating into the Brady School Systems. One year was way too close so the Rochelle Independant School District was formed and the annual voting stopped.