
Free Agent I agree with you on the younger Bush (Jeb Bush) but don't be surprised if he doesn't get lots of votes. I recall him being in trouble many times. I think a lot of his trouble was drinking. And yes big O got his mothers beliefs if that's who your talking about. I still don't believe his birth certificate is real. Maybe I'm wrong but I think his big thing in a America is to make this a Muslim Nation. He allowed the Muslim to have their meeting on Ground Zero. Wrong thing to do with the people who lost loved ones or true Americans. They say they were radical muslims which I know we have our own problems with our own people but to give them a permit and to not give one to the bikers or truck drivers speaks volumes to me. I know people will disagree but to me that's their own opinion.
OFB your right. We are true Americans wanting the best for our families. 3 more years of the O hole is so damn scary. Sorry but I can just imagine some more things that were all going to go through. The Ohole isn't working to help the elderly. They are cutting pills in half or not taking what their doctor prescribes for them to take. When I think of my mom and dad it totally makes me cry. Do we have enough people to fight him on that, I don't know. He thinks it's ok to let the illegal stay over here and give them amnesty and to be able to collect welfare, food stamps, free healthcare. How are things going to get better? I do feel for them but all I ask is that they do like we are doing, paying our taxes and social security, and most of all using their own names. Most of the women go by their maiden names so it's easy to put their 6 kids on social services. One illegal woman had 3 baskets and couldn't speak English. Her bill was 851.+ for the 3 baskets. I nearly fell down. She had 50 + coupons. This was done with food stamps. This is part of the social services hurting our parents or even some of you. For that I can't take it.
KB I try to do my part. I also filled out a survey over this healthcare business. I hope the survey has helped the ones fight to veto O holes healthcare plan.
Blue Bird your gdaddy's were fine men and so was your 3+ granddaddys. They worked hard. I've pulled some cotton and I guarantee it's not a job I would like to do for a living. I have all the respect for any man or woman who worked cleaning the cotton fields.
Blue Bird":2zn855l6 said:
My great Grandad and great great Grandad picked their own cotton. Can't say with any certainty about 3-greats, he spent most of his life in Alabama before the Civil War and before coming to Texas.

My original ancestor came over in Oglethorpe's colony in Georgia. I think that can tell you what he was in Merry Olde England. The next one was in NC, then the next one in Texas. None of 'em were ever big enough to have slaves.
You have an interesting heritage. I don't know any of my Ancestors all I know is my mama and daddy didn't have enough kids. We had to plant the garden, pick the garden, run after get away horses and pick Johnson Grass for the horses to eat or stand there while they ate. There was only 3 of us, whew we had a busy life but didn't know it.
Coming back from the deer lease yesterday a thought crossed my mind: If there were as many honest politicians as there are dead skunks on this highway, we wouldn't be worrying about our government as much as we are right now!
LOL isn't that the truth Doc. I can't figure out after a skunk is dead, why do they still stink. The smell fills your truck up with their horrible stink. Did you get a deer? Butch didn't go this week but he's going this weekend. We have a camera and we saw a 9 pt. buck with a giant body then a 4 pt that's getting pretty fat and tons of pigs, ugly pigs, fat pigs. Pigs Pigs Pigs. And the Government Stinks toooo.
No deer. Passed on one. It was just too hot. Maybe next weekend. I was probably moving around too much swatting yellow jackets. Guess they are getting ready for winter.
It was hot this last weekend. That's why Butch didn't go. The yellow jackets swarms us. The ones at Throck are gigantic. I carry about 4 cans of wasp spray with me but it seems that all you kill triples with more coming back. Butch sits in the blind clicking one of those long lighters killing them because he turns his heater on. They start defrosting, or coming out of hibernation and start buzzing. That is one of the bugs I don't like. This next weekend I will be cheering you and Butch on to get a good deer and praying the yellow jackets stay asleep. It's supposed to be cold. Good luck to you Doc.
MelaniB":3lee20wu said:
OFB your right. We are true Americans wanting the best for our families. 3 more years of the O hole is so damn scary. Sorry but I can just imagine some more things that were all going to go through. The Ohole isn't working to help the elderly. They are cutting pills in half or not taking what their doctor prescribes for them to take. When I think of my mom and dad it totally makes me cry. Do we have enough people to fight him on that, I don't know. He thinks it's ok to let the illegal stay over here and give them amnesty and to be able to collect welfare, food stamps, free healthcare. How are things going to get better? I do feel for them but all I ask is that they do like we are doing, paying our taxes and social security, and most of all using their own names. Most of the women go by their maiden names so it's easy to put their 6 kids on social services. One illegal woman had 3 baskets and couldn't speak English. Her bill was 851.+ for the 3 baskets. I nearly fell down. She had 50 + coupons. This was done with food stamps. This is part of the social services hurting our parents or even some of you. For that I can't take it.
He only wants them as a voting block that he can get here cheap and paid for on the backs of the middle class
Doc I'm a dork. You were comparing skunks to politicians. I agree totally agree. I've kind of backed off and quit worrying. It doesn't do any good.