

11-man fan
I've been in a turmoil on deciding what to do about Obama's Heath Care System. I don't want to go online to get the Obamacare. Then I wonder if the best route to go is to buy our own private insurance. What are all of you going to do before the deadline? One girl that did the Obamacare online ended up paying 1500.00 a month, and she did get to pick her own plan. They give you a plan without us getting to look at them. My sister did the same thing I think she has to pay 500.00 a month. She's single, out of a job, and struggles to get money to pay her rent and bills. I flat down don't know what to do. Can I get some help from all of you. If we don't pay insurance they will fine you, then if you still don't they take your drivers licence, then your tags. That's really putting us to work. I'm at my ropes end to figure out what to do.

And by the way if anyone owes for tickets, the police are taking your licence away. It happened to a friend that doesn't have permanent work. They didn't even send her a notice. If you owe tickets your licence are taken away without your knowledge.
I have insurance through my work and we are supposedly only going to get a small increase in our cost so I hope I dont have to get BinLadenCare!
Never is a strong word, but I don't see myself ever signing up for BarryCare. We have a glorified catastrophic care policy with BC/BS. The deductible is stupid high, $12, or $14K, but 100% coverage after deductible is met.

BC/BS told us we could keep our plan, and that if we wanted to swap it for BarryCare, we could never swap back.

So we're sticking with what we have for as long as the bureaucrats of death in DC will 'let' us keep it. After that, we will probably use cash-only off-the-grid healthcare - until the government goes completely Atlas Shrugged and such medical care is deemed illegal.
rainjacktx":1zt07mr7 said:
until the government goes completely Atlas Shrugged and such medical care is deemed illegal.

I'll bet there is an obscure line or two in the ACA's 2000+ pages that does just that. The 'crats have not yet got around to writing the regs to cover it.
Thanks RJ, I'm going to call Blue Cross/ Blue Shield today and see what I can find out. This has been driving me nuts. I heard if you don't have insurance by the time you fill out your income tax they will charge you for not having insurance. Is Barry tying to make up the deficit by doing this to us?
MelaniB":ne8bxczf said:
Thanks RJ, I'm going to call Blue Cross/ Blue Shield today and see what I can find out. This has been driving me nuts. I heard if you don't have insurance by the time you fill out your income tax they will charge you for not having insurance. Is Barry tying to make up the deficit by doing this to us?

It's a non-compliance tax. At least that's what the dill holes on the SCOTUS called it - even though Barry and his lawyers swore up and down it wasn't a tax, but rather a penalty.

Regardless, if you don't have a Sebilius-approved insurance policy by April 15th (I think), you will be subject to an income-based fine starting somewhere around $95, and going upwards to around 3% of your income.

But you have to have applied for the insurance by February - if you're going the BarryCare route - because it takes like 60 days to process your application. Given that the site does not work, I'm betting that they will suspend the fines for up to a year or at least until Mooshell's lesbian college pal can fix the problems with the site.
Bearkat what is the ACA? and RJ my two men I didn't understand what you were saying. You have to talk kindergarten to me lol. I did get the last sentence. I appreciate both of your help cause you two are in the know of O's rules. RJ and Bearkat you are the brain force. I know you will get me saved after I understand what I need to do.
Ok I got what both of your talking are talking about. I had to go back and re-read both of yours and Bearkats post. I don't want to sign up with the O care. Once they have you and you miss payments maybe over lay offs (my husband is in construction) not a very secure job. I'm afraid they will throw us in jail. The payments a month are out of site.
ACA = affordable care act. Officially that is what obamacare is called.
We also use bcbs, they have changed only what they absolutely had to to meet the ACA requirements.
Afflac offers a great secondary subsidy plan that is cheap. Our bcbs rates went down this year.
Problem is, a lot of what is happening in the individual policy market (ie, cancellations due to required changes in coverage, etc.) are going to happen next year in the group policy market.

Because our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, may his name be praised and his word be law (sorry guys, just practicing for when the National Park Service Police storm troopers stop by to check on my loyalty oath), suspended the employer mandate for a year, the group policy market isn't getting hit by all the changes that the individual care market is facing now. In fact, insurance companies are selling the fact that companies can renew their group policies now (in advance of Jan. 1) and delay the requirements of ACA/Obamacare for a year.

So, those groups are going to see even more of a sticker shock around this time next year (isn't there Congressional elections about this time next year?). Even the Regime's own bureaucrats are expecting a lot of employer plans to be cancelled by the providers or employers (who may find it easier to pay the Obama fine ... oops, I mean tax, 'cause that's what Chief Justice Roberts called it to make it legal; and maybe some of the more generous employers might offer their workers a stipend to help them buy insurance on the private market).

As for rates going down, my wife's rates from BCBS (TRS from the local school district) jumped over $200 a month and deductibles doubled. And that's a year after we switched to the lower cost TRS-1 Plan. The previous year, we were able to fund a reimbursement account at double of what we could afford to do this year because we had to pay that $200 increase. I'd be shocked if that rate doesn't jump $100-300 a month next year when the full effect of ACA/Obamacare kicks in.

Well, as Nancy Pelosi said, they had to pass the bill to find out what was in it.
Thank you so much Hornkeeper. I didn't think about Aflac. I sure need the affordable without using O's health care plan.

LOL Free Agent. I couldn't help but laugh. I'm hearing of employees insurance plans are being canceled. This makes me so mad because it's another government controlling us. I have a question. Does Congress, Senate, the House have to do what were having to do with insurance? Stupid me, they have enough money to deal with their insurance.
I know Smokey, it makes me so mad that we are forced to carry insurance which it's good to have insurance don't get me wrong. But to be fined and to be made to have it, it burns me up. The government wants to completely control our lives and it's going to happen if something can get O out of office. It's like what's next.
I originally thought ObamaCare was for those that didn't have insurance. Now I'm hearing that those who have insurance are losing theirs or their premiums are going up because of it. Sounds like the old, shuffle the pea game. Now you have it, now you don't. The government has shifty hands, so you better keep a close eye on where this is all going. And, it won't be good. Sounds like the same thing that TEA does on everything effecting schools: Let's get the cart before the horse, then we'll see how it unfolds, then clean up the mess. Never ending saga!
Your right Little Doc we are the piss ants. I'm so overwhelmed in what to do. A lot of the guys we know say it's cheaper to pay the fines. If I knew that for sure I wouldn't be worrying right now. I know we need the insurance but dang it I think it's O's control over us. And your right Doc what comes next? He scares me to death. It's enough to live now. If he cares so much and wants us to have insurance, it should be more affordable.