Fort Davis vs Water Valley

I agree. Well said. Rankin did pull ahead late in the game I believe. Not what I would call "easily" either. Bet round 2 turns out a little differently if the bulldogs don't take care of the problem first.
Bunyon, don't be raining on the Wildcat parade! I do think that Rankin will give us another good game, if they get to that point...we will be there after burying Ft Davis and then taking out Ira.
@ the supposedly WVPlayer, you can say "what a team" when/if you make it to the Semi-Finals.. Right now yall are just another good team, nothing is Great about WV right now, playoffs are were greatness is achieved, not in a non district game against a at the time stumped Rankin team with a key player on the sideline.. On top of that, If I can remember right that key player lite yalls world up last season during the Bi-District round.
10-0 not great? How many ranked teams fell at our feet? Again, Ira might give us a game, but we are a team of destiny. It is our time! Get on board!
I thought you said you and the cats would " roll over Ira", and Rankin would be the challenge ? What's it going to be? All this lying to yourself has got you jacked up. How about you focus on your first playoff game before you start yapping about games that will appear further in the playoffs. It doesnt matter if you were 10-0 or 2-8, everyone is 0-0 in the playoffs.. Yall got slapped down by a 3-7 Rankin team around this time last year.
I do recall the slap down. That happens with basketball schools sometimes. Football is fun till it's time to hit the court. Same thing will get them this year although I am thinking it might take a little longer this year. Probably til next week.
I agree with you 110% last year. Still playing on talent alone last year but we have one of the best coaching staffs in the state and i can actually go to a game now knowing we will not be outcoached. For example, critical point in playoff game last year, 4th and short and the decision was to pass the ball. Cost us the game. Other kids were put into positions they hadn't played in all year. Why change? I can also excuse and say our best player was hurt but i think it was more of coaching experience. I went i-to the game last year with no confidence just as i am going into this game and the next 4 with an extreme amount of confidence. Cant wait for saturday to let everybody know i told you so. 45 those indians!
TotalAccess6":2awyozwg said:
I agree with you 110% last year. Still playing on talent alone last year but we have one of the best coaching staffs in the state and i can actually go to a game now knowing we will not be outcoached. For example, critical point in playoff game last year, 4th and short and the decision was to pass the ball. Cost us the game. Other kids were put into positions they hadn't played in all year. Why change? I can also excuse and say our best player was hurt but i think it was more of coaching experience. I went i-to the game last year with no confidence just as i am going into this game and the next 4 with an extreme amount of confidence. Cant wait for saturday to let everybody know i told you so. 45 those indians!
That's kinda like saying the pope is extremely Catholic...........
smokeyjoe53":23m9k37r said:
TotalAccess6":23m9k37r said:
I agree with you 110% last year. Still playing on talent alone last year but we have one of the best coaching staffs in the state and i can actually go to a game now knowing we will not be outcoached. For example, critical point in playoff game last year, 4th and short and the decision was to pass the ball. Cost us the game. Other kids were put into positions they hadn't played in all year. Why change? I can also excuse and say our best player was hurt but i think it was more of coaching experience. I went i-to the game last year with no confidence just as i am going into this game and the next 4 with an extreme amount of confidence. Cant wait for saturday to let everybody know i told you so. 45 those indians!
That's kinda like saying the pope is extremely Catholic...........
its EXTREMELY fun to watch the meltdown huh?
WV Player":2jdb7mpi said:
10-0 not great? How many ranked teams fell at our feet? Again, Ira might give us a game, but we are a team of destiny. It is our time! Get on board!

If you are trying to pick up the foamymouth one's mantle, you need to be a little more over-the-top.......
I have watched and read in silence for many years and have observed both Fort Davis and Water Valley from a very close perspective. I will not predict the outcome of the game; however, I will predict a very hard fought contest. The Fort Davis kids have always amazed me with the carriage they have with an apparent perpetual "underdog" status. It should be a very good game.
Just remember that the opinions expressed here on the message board should not be misconstrued as the opinions of the players and coaches of the Water Valley Wildcat football team. Some fans are more vocal than others. Some fans are just plain full of it. Still other fans would like you to believe that they are either players on the team or are somehow privvy to the opinions of the players. Do not be taken in by this ruse and do not believe everything you read here. The Water Valley players I've seen have always acted with class and dignity to their vanquished opponents which I'm sure is a reflection of the way they are coached. Don't let the words/antics of a few misguided fans sour you on a great group of kids.
WV Backer":3es8vbcq said:
Just remember that the opinions expressed here on the message board should not be misconstrued as the opinions of the players and coaches of the Water Valley Wildcat football team. Some fans are more vocal than others. Some fans are just plain full of it. Still other fans would like you to believe that they are either players on the team or are somehow privvy to the opinions of the players. Do not be taken in by this ruse and do not believe everything you read here. The Water Valley players I've seen have always acted with class and dignity to their vanquished opponents which I'm sure is a reflection of the way they are coached. Don't let the words/antics of a few misguided fans sour you on a great group of kids.
Well said Backer! I want to give a shout out to the Ft. Davis Idians. These young men are full of class and are true sportsmen, well done Indians!