Fort Davis vs Water Valley

i am from the west and will support the west through to the final game. i think they are the best. and i think the top can beat each other on any given night with the right bounces of the ball.. they are very close in the talent level as well as the desire to win.. if anyone looks by the team they are playing why dont you just go ahead and remove any greater talent level and get ready to get your butt beat.. i hope each team had and does have lofty goals along with knowledge and dedication to the steps it is going to take to get there
WOW, try and encourage a team that is coming off a hard loss at home and the neighbors come over and want to burn the house down.

Dirty D is right. We all know that Water Valley hasn't won a playoff game since the 1940's. And I'm sure that this IS the best team you've had since that time. But that still doesn't make them the best team out there. They going to have to prove it, just like everyone else. Sure, WV might play Ft. Davis a hundred times and beat them 99, but there's ALWAYS that one time. What if this week is that time? I've seen both of these teams play and so have a lot of you. You know as well as I do that the Indians have the talent to pull off the BIG upset and that's what you're afraid of. You're afraid that this is the best chance for a post-season win for the Wildcats in nearly 70 years and that Ft. Davis might take that away from you. That's why you're doing all the yappin'. Well, that's ok. Talk all you want. After that long of getting kicked around, you've probably earned the right. But remember this, if the Tribe doesn't get you this week, the Ira Bulldogs certainly will next week and then we won't have to listen to anymore verses of "How Great Thou Art."
The 2003 Water Valley team was pretty good too but they ran into the buzzsaw known as Richland Springs in the first round. 46-0, man it still smarts.

You seem to have latched on to the idea that all WV fans think their team is the greatest ever and can't be beat. To do this would be to ignore all the other WV fans that are cautiously optimistic that this is the year we get off the schnide. Yeah, it's been a long time (1946) since the Wildcats won a playoff game - we don't have the pedigree that the Red Devils do - but to say we're all "yappin" is simply unfounded. I think Water Valley can beat Ft. Davis this Friday night and earn a date with the Ira/Sands winner but I'm certainly not proclaiming them the victors yet. IF Ira was to get by Sands (no certainty there) and WV takes care of Ft. Davis then it would probably be a pretty good match-up of two teams with a common opponent. Any guesses as to who that common opponent is? One hint, they both defeated that common opponent.
WV better not get overconfident or they will not be getting their 2nd playoff win ever and their only one since 1946. Wv may be better than ft davis but if they come in overconfident expecting an easy win they may go home early
twodollarbill":1s4dn748 said:
@ WV Backer and ryry:

So does that mean Lebron isn't playin on the Dream Team????

Dangit. I'll just keep the Strawn Red/Black then.
I was just being a smart *** towards backer, I could care less about basketball, SIXMAN FOOTBALL is life period
@ Total Access

I think SC will give you a run for your money in basketball :)

I believe SC will have a very good basketball team this year, and I am sure we get to play WV a couple times :)

I look forward to basketball season after football playoffs :)
First off, sc, pass some of that wacky stuff over here because it must be good. Since moving to 6 man, when have you beaten us? Have heard the talk but that is all it has amounted too. Honestly, im sure backer is with me on this, our basketball team is as good as it gets but lets win a ring in football first. How does. All the haters like there crow?
First off, sc, pass some of that wacky stuff over here because it must be good. Since moving to 6 man, when have you beaten us? Have heard the talk but that is all it has amounted too. Honestly, im sure backer is with me on this, our basketball team is as good as it gets but lets win a ring in football first. How does. All the haters like there crow?
Did you hit the repeat button ? We read the post right the first time... The same garbage as all your other posts on this topic, once you win a ring brag all you want, but it hasnt happened yet.... Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Devils_Advocate":3upsxn5y said:
WOW, try and encourage a team that is coming off a hard loss at home and the neighbors come over and want to burn the house down.

Dirty D is right. We all know that Water Valley hasn't won a playoff game since the 1940's. And I'm sure that this IS the best team you've had since that time. But that still doesn't make them the best team out there. They going to have to prove it, just like everyone else. Sure, WV might play Ft. Davis a hundred times and beat them 99, but there's ALWAYS that one time. What if this week is that time? I've seen both of these teams play and so have a lot of you. You know as well as I do that the Indians have the talent to pull off the BIG upset and that's what you're afraid of. You're afraid that this is the best chance for a post-season win for the Wildcats in nearly 70 years and that Ft. Davis might take that away from you. That's why you're doing all the yappin'. Well, that's ok. Talk all you want. After that long of getting kicked around, you've probably earned the right. But remember this, if the Tribe doesn't get you this week, the Ira Bulldogs certainly will next week and then we won't have to listen to anymore verses of "How Great Thou Art."

Hypocrite, look who started this thread. Your good, got the whole damn board turned against WV just for defending the team they are proud of. WV fans have been involved all year with a lot of dignity, a few proud post here and there, but isn't that with all teams. Why were you worried about the Fort Davis-WV game to begin with. Aren't your boys playing Robert Lee this week? Good Luck to you and your team in the playoffs. I hope to see WV win it all, I'm sorry if that bothers you, if they don't I hope it is someone from region 2, even Rankin.
ryry":csb2q342 said:
TotalAccess6":csb2q342 said:
Thing great. One more thing, fort davis has about as much of a chance of beating wv as i have of playing qb, isnt happening, 45ed at half.
I would think with comments like this, the WV team would be a little ashamed to call you even a fan.

I agree.
Wv is a great team and has as good as a chance as anyone else, you can all argue all you want about all the region 2 teams, none of them even compare to the team the richland springs coyotes have.
totalaccess i believe sc fan was talking about basketball, and if u r asking when they have beaten yall in basketball since being sixman, they beat yall last year i believe and got to go 3 rounds while yall started getting the track shoes out
coyote_king":3gyh4o18 said:
Wv is a great team and has as good as a chance as anyone else, you can all argue all you want about all the region 2 teams, none of them even compare to the team the richland springs coyotes have.

If a school with less than 99 kids can sign a waiver to stay in the 11-man ranks, couldn't a Div 2 sign a waiver to play Div 1 6-man. I don't know, but I wish it was possible and RS would do just that. Even if they win State every year, at least the guessing would be taken out.
Wow coyote_king, they don't even compare? Richland Springs must be REALLY good. I mean, I knew they were good... but they must be phenomenal! Do you think that if we assembled an all-star team from Region 2, then maybe they could compare? You're right, probably not. Perhaps if we found Tyler Ethridge and got him to play QB for our all-star team... then maybe?