Fort Davis vs Water Valley


11-man fan
I don't post here very often but I feel that following last Friday night's game against Rankin the Ft Davis Indians might be needing a little pep talk.

You've got a good looking team Fort Davis with a good coach and a solid program. And from my viewpoint you've got a good shot at beating Water Valley next week, no matter what the polls say (sorry Granger). Your passing game looks like it could match up really well against the Wildcats. They don't have a lot of speed but what they do have is SIZE and plenty of it, and they feel like that's pretty much what got them here and they don't need much else. But it looks to me that with your passing game, you just might be able to overcome that size difference. If you stay with your blocks in the backfield and give your spreadback time to throw he's got the arm to pick 'em clean and you've got the receivers that can catch 'em too. But you've got to give him time to find the open man.

Despite the final score, I thought you played Rankin one heck of a ballgame. I wasn't sure for a while there whether or not our boys were going to be able to stop you. And it took some big adjustments by the Red Devil coaching staff to finally figure it out. I don't think WV will be able to make those same adjustments that we did and I don't think they will be able to keep you out of the endzone.

But it does appear to me that you have one major Achilles heel and that's "confidence in your ability to stop your opponent". You seem to be a little quick to give up on defense. I didn't get to see it but I hear that you gave Throckmorton fits for a big part of that game. I also heard that, that once you got behind, you just sorta turned off the switch and called it a night, which appeared to be what you did against Rankin as well. You can't get down on yourselves and expect to go anywhere in the playoffs, no matter how much talent you have, not against the teams you're about to face. And you're far too good of a football team to just go one game. You've got to find a way to stay focused. Keep talking to each other and don't let anybody hang their head.

There's no doubt that you've got a tough road ahead of you but just remember to take it one game at a time, one quarter at a time and one play at a time. Do your job the way your coach taught you and Never . . . NEVER . . . give up.

Confidence and heart can take you a long ways in this game. But without it, you haven't got a chance.

It's time to take it to the next level Indians!!!

Hope we meet up again on down the road.

A Rankin Red Devil Fan
Well said? lol, but I agree. A true Rankin fan supporting his team any way they can. Very Smart.

The name Devils_Advocate ring a bell? Pleading the Indians cause or promoting the devils own best interest? I just became a Borden County fan for the regional round.
You sound worried. You should be.
Ft Davis has the talent to beat Water Valley. It's just a matter of "Do they have the confidence?"

My reason for trying to pump up the Tribe is simple.
District 7 has back-to-back State Championships thanks to Garden City.
I'd like to see that run continue for as long as possible, whether it's Rankin or Ft Davis that carries the banner.
What's one more wv tfan? I am sick of da and it is time to shed some light. First, we have the best coaching staff, wont need to make adjustments at half because they will already be made. We finally have a real football coach unlike past years. Our kids should have been competing at this level for years. Amazing what a year and a good coach will do. I can only gather u want someone else to do ur dirty work because u know we will beat u again. If you make it to play us again, we will gladly help u air up those basketballs. You are a joke just like ur ranking. Hope to see u n a couple of weeks so we can shut ur piehole again. Hah
a, u can always jump on the thunderwagon and be a part of some
Wow it sounds like WV is the next Euless Trinity of Texas, they have everything figured out according to you WV fans.Yall are so full of it, get over yourselves already. WV is good for the first time since the dawn of man,if you WV fans knew what it was like to be a top tier team of Texas yall would gain some composer and let your kids on the field do the talking... With that said,Ft.Davis probably will not win this game, but they won't lose by more then 28.
TotalAccess6":1o5jt3yc said:
Thing great. One more thing, fort davis has about as much of a chance of beating wv as i have of playing qb, isnt happening, 45ed at half.
I would think with comments like this, the WV team would be a little ashamed to call you even a fan.
You all can't handle that we are experiencing success and have something to finally be proud of. Get ready though, in december, basketball starts and this years edition is even scarier than our football version. Get buckled up because it is going to be a long, bumpy, losing ride for whoever happens to play us.
While it is true that some Water Valley fans are more... "vocal" than others, I'm sure that we all know that Ft. Davis is quite capable of pulling the "upset" on Friday night. Even more so now that they can read the inspirational and motivating words of the Devils_Advocate. Such an insightful breakdown of the Indians' collective psyche; not to mention a Madden-like analysis of the Water Valley defensive scheme. Armed with this information the Ft. Davis squad certainly has a leg-up now. Your "words-of-wisdom" to the Indians have evoked visions of Vince Lombardi in my mind. I can see them all now, huddled around the computer monitor in the locker room as the coach reads your encouraging words to them. Having nothing more to add the coach simply says "Go get em boys" and they go charging out to take the field. Yep, it's a good thing that coach down there at Ft. Davis has you on his side. Where would he be without you?

That's not the same analysis you offered to the Rankin coach when they played the Wildcats, is it?

I would like to make mention that the coach at Water Valley, the one that is incapable of making the halftime adjustments you speak of, has been to the state championship game at least once that I know of so I reckon he'll do alright. He probably doesn't even need any help from you.
Will you ever stop with your pointless rants? Now WV is the Dallas Mavericks of Texas basketball too? man yall need to move up to 5A if yall have so many amazing,top of the line, never ending athletes.Hey congrats they beat a Rankin team without there starting LB/FB, and if you know Coach williams system, the FB is just as needed as your tailback. Yall didn't play the Rankin team everyone else around Texas had seen, they had no fire going into the game, and didn't start to play till after halftime, with all this said WV BARELY held on to a win against them.. If WV makes it past Ira, which is doubtful. They play Rankin again, that is if the Devils can beat BC for the second time. So sit down, shut up, and enjoy the playoffs and stop building a good and competitive Water valley team into some Dream team..
Old_dirty_D":1ldszssb said:
Will you ever stop with your pointless rants? Now WV is the Dallas Mavericks of Texas basketball too? man yall need to move up to 5A if yall have so many amazing,top of the line, never ending athletes.Hey congrats they beat a Rankin team without there starting LB/FB, and if you know Coach williams system, the FB is just as needed as your tailback. Yall didn't play the Rankin team everyone else around Texas had seen, they had no fire going into the game, and didn't start to play till after halftime, with all this said WV BARELY held on to a win against them.. If WV makes it past Ira, which is doubtful. They play Rankin again, that is if the Devils can beat BC for the second time. So sit down, shut up, and enjoy the playoffs and stop building a good and competitive Water valley team into some Dream team..
well said
DANGIT Old_dirty_D!!!!!

And just when I was about to give up my Strawn Red/Black for a WV.....

I heard Lebron was playing for Water Valley now that he has nothing else to do. Dream Team, maybe.....
That's pretty clever, twodollarbill. Did you give that a lot of thought or was that just off the top of your head?

Don't let the postings of a few "overzealous" fans cloud your judgement of all Water Valley fans. That would be stereotypin' and that's just wrong. Just like I won't consider that "Water Heads" nickname the best you could possibly do.
WV Backer":17dn0opg said:
That's pretty clever, twodollarbill. Did you give that a lot of thought or was that just off the top of your head?

Don't let the postings of a few "overzealous" fans cloud your judgement of all Water Valley fans. That would be stereotypin' and that's just wrong. Just like I won't consider that "Water Heads" nickname the best you could possibly do.
Stereotypin' is illegal