di top 10 and the strength of schedule against top 20 d1


Six-man fan
1. T-rock 2
2. Ira 6
3. Rankin 7
4. Valley 4
5. Borden co 6
6. Meadow 6
7. Water valley 2
8. Aquilla 1
9. Cowell 4
10. Aspermont 1

Do you think this helps or hurts the teams?
i did not include the rankings from other classifications that might muddy the water ...
Walking a tightrope. Too easy and you are not prepared for the challenge. Too tough and you risk injury and a loss of confidence. Personally, I think a young team needs the confidence builders early. A more experienced team can take a few punches, learn from the experience, and come back at the end of the season.
Like the ira bulldogs. They havnt been hit hard yet but the have already over came so much adversity. My opinion is 1) Ira
2) Rankin
3) Throckmorton
I personally think rose should change