
Congratulations Calvert you played well and Coyotes Congratulations on a hard fought game. Both teams played with lots of heart. Again Congratulations to both teams.
I love both of you. I threw mine in the dishwasher and letting it do my dishes. I got the two dogs fed and 10 wild cats fed and a homeless dog fed, I'm fed so all is going well. We learned to lose tonight and it's ok with me, I'm tired. Listening the ball games is as bad as being at the game. I feel for our little Coyotes but then again if Calvert had of lost I would be feeling for those little Trojans. Glad it's over,
Can bring the thread back to Cowboy? I'm gonna try. I got overwhelmed and didn't know where I was posting Cowboy, sorry. Ok here we go. Man that Cowboy is the best looking man around. He is amazing at his jobs. He has two you know. He lives all his elite buddies and I live him too. His orange mohawk makes him look so cute. His game is coming up this weekend so lets cheer him right on. Now we are back to living (Smokey's name for love) let's cheer Cowboy on!!!!