Coach Tyler


11-man fan
After this victory over Water Valley, I am now convinced that Tyler is the best coach in six man football currently. I've heard people say that great coaches win rings, but Tyler has repeatedly proven his consistent and qualified capabilities and yet has no ring. Keep plug away coach. That ring will come. Congrats SC on the win.
Brett Tyler

I agree!!! A state ring is not always a sign of a good coach or not having one not being a good coach.

Coach Tyler is for sure one of the best in the game.
Very good points, the measure of a good solid coach is a consistent competitive program there are times you just simply won't have enough players to finish the job, One player in six man ball can win you many games and with some luck maybe one championship but you'll need at the least three impact players to win it all doesn't matter the position but one impact (exceptional) and two above average players (consistent) but the coach well he has to be able to use that talent in ways that allow them to excel.

Sounds like this coach has figured out how to be consistent and win, so is he good? answer yes!
How many times have you seen a consistent losing 11 man high school program and wonder why?