Best Football Facilities

Grass only

Gorman has always had a beautiful field.
Baird is trash. IMO. LOL
Mays old stadium in the middle of town was pretty awesome.
Rising Star has really stepped up their field in the last couple of years.
The old rock wall stadiums around the Big Country are awesome.


To many to choose from. These new six man stadiums are awesome.
Grass only

Gorman has always had a beautiful field.
Baird is trash. IMO. LOL
Mays old stadium in the middle of town was pretty awesome.
Rising Star has really stepped up their field in the last couple of years.
The old rock wall stadiums around the Big Country are awesome.


To many to choose from. These new six man stadiums are awesome.
Baird has the old rock walls. Not so much their field, but the wall around their field and the old, giant bell is pretty neat.
Who do y'all think in sixman has the best football facilities? I'm talking about field, stadium, etc. I'll give my top 5
1. Jayton
2. Borden County
3. Blackwell
4. Hermleigh
5. Garden City
1.Borden county
2. Rankin
3. Hermleigh
4. Jayton
5. Benjamin
6. Garden city
7. Klondike
8. Balmorhea
9. Spur
10. Westbrook

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