Six-man pro
How about best field? Grass only
SandsHow about best field? Grass only
NewcastleHow about best field? Grass only
Savoys field used to be super nice minus the leaning goalposts. However they have let it go and it does not look like it used to. Still has the leaning goalposts as well.Baird has a very cool setup. I’ve heard Savoy’s field is phenomenal, but I’ve never seen it in person.
Of all the grass fields I've seen, this one definitely gets my voteSands
Savoys field used to be super nice minus the leaning goalposts. However they have let it go and it does not look like it used to. Still has the leaning goalposts as well.
Baird has the old rock walls. Not so much their field, but the wall around their field and the old, giant bell is pretty neat.Grass only
Gorman has always had a beautiful field.
Baird is trash. IMO. LOL
Mays old stadium in the middle of town was pretty awesome.
Rising Star has really stepped up their field in the last couple of years.
The old rock wall stadiums around the Big Country are awesome.
To many to choose from. These new six man stadiums are awesome.
Unless they’ve done a lot of work, that used to be a TERRIBLE field!Newcastle
Nothing like this!!! We played there this year and it was nothing like this.I'm not sure what it looks like now, but I know it looked great before. Here's what it used to look like:
Sands grass field is the real deal!! I’m sure theres some nice ones out there but it would be really hard for me to believe there’s any that are drastically better than theirs!Sands
Brand new grass field with track. New bleachers, press box, and scoreboard. Next year when they get parking lots, etc finished, it will really be nice.Unless they’ve done a lot of work, that used to be a TERRIBLE field!
1.Borden countyWho do y'all think in sixman has the best football facilities? I'm talking about field, stadium, etc. I'll give my top 5
1. Jayton
2. Borden County
3. Blackwell
4. Hermleigh
5. Garden City
@Roach That's incredible! Whose facility is that?
Really cool!