Balmorhea vs Valley

Maybe you were at the game and just saw what the refs called But to say that Valley has bad sportsmanship is Utterly ridiculous. These are the nicest kids on the planet. The ref called targeting on a kid who wouldn’t step on a bug. One of our kids picked up someone in the Silverton game and ever since has been called a bad sport. He’s a great kid and it’s ridiculous to trash them on here when you don’t know what you’re talking about. These are kids you are trashing when you don’t even know them. I do know them and have for 18 years and they are great kids. Help people up after plays, don’t hurt people on purpose. And if you ask the other teams players after the games they will say the same What the ref calls isn’t necessarily what happens. So if you don’t know the kids or aren’t on the field yourself keep your mouth shut.
Yes y'all were called on a personal foul for picking up and body slamming again last night. And the targeting was legit. I can see why it's allowed when you try to excuse it. I've seen hundreds of 6man games and never seen that type of play from any other team around here.
Again I'm not trashing the kids. What they did was very obvious and ridiculous in my book. I can't imagine trying to change the minds of the very people who allow it to happen. Good luck next week as yall will be outplayed and most definitely outclassed!!!!
Tdog, if you look up the definition of fact and opinion, your posts are definitely 99 percent opinion. are obviously anti-valley, by the tone of all your posts, so your opinion is definitely tainted, to say the least. My Dad told me to never argue with a man who "thinks" he has all the answers because he has a comeback for everything, no matter how ridiculous they may be. So, here I am breaking another of my rules. I probably won't post again, even though I know you will have some clever comeback for this post. Got better things to do than spend my every waking hour responding to all these pointless jabs at folks.Good night.
Tdog jealousy is a bad trait. Trashing 18 year old kids you don’t know is even worse. They are kids. And I can assure you good kids. Kids that hug 84 year old grandmas and 5 year old kids after the game. Kids that go to homeless shelters and help out. So don’t talk about things you know nothing about. It is football. Watch a real game once in a while. Kids hit kids. Maybe you should learn the rules. Go watch the video of the kid they threw out for “targeting”. I beg you. There was nothing dirty or bad about it. It’s people like you that are causing us to get calls like that. Maybe you can ruin the kids life by trashing them. Hope that will make you feel better About yourself.
I watched the video from last nights game. It looked like a fun game. Not trying to be ugly. But valley needs to play at their best and clean it up. Their defense will not stop Balmorhea. They better get good at their passing game. Running the ball is not going to happen for them. They better protect that football because Balmorhea will take it from you. I did see where that one player got body slammed by #17 from valley. We have a few players who will body slam you if start getting out hand. These guys play hard and fast. Good sportsmanship. But once you start trash talking and being a bad sport. They will let you know they aren't going to have it. Good luck to both teams. Hope we have a good clean game no injuries.
I will gracefully go away and just for the record I've not trashed the kid for his time in the homeless shelter while hugging his grandmother. What I have done is point out the arrogant unsportsmanlike behavior that most people are not allowed to do in highschool football. See I'm old school we were taught respect on the field only by playing hard and never ever trying to showboat or act a fool. I also respect the game itself and don't like watching the Bs like last night. I played a game that was around because of the players and coaches who came before me. And we have lost some of that a long the way. Good luck to your team and I hope they can play good ball without the Tv learned crap that turns most people away except for there loyal fans and their blinders.....
Good Lord, people get body slammed all the time. The Crowell boys used to do it and nobody ever complained about it. It’s football. If you don’t like physicality then go watch basketball. I don’t condone showboating/taunting but if someone is picked up and slammed to the ground, then so be it.
If you don't want teams to celebrate, stop them from making plays. It's playoff football emotions are to be expected, the kids are not robots. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it should be blasted negatively from your own biased view. Just my take..
I guess we will see if it’s legit because we sent it on to Amarillo chapter because it obviously wasn’t on film. And as for your kids I know half of them and they don’t badmouth us. Only you. But keep it up. No one is listening to you. And many people were at the game from other towns and all of them say the call for targeting was bull. That kid would never do anything like that. You are basing all your bad mouthing on one kid and one hit silverton blew out of proportion. Maybe you should watch a real football game once in a while. And as for outclassed next week you don’t Even know balmorrhea who broke our kids leg last year. Maybe it was on purpose and maybe not. I don’t judge other people’s kids. But you have no idea who the better team is. And as for our coaches they are fine godly human beings and if our kids were as you say it would be taken care of. I’m done talking to you. Hope it makes your day to trash kids you don’t know. THis board is for picking games and talking football. Not trashing people. No one from valley is on here trashing other teams. Our kids aren’t even allowed on here thank God!
We could keep this up I'm sure but let's not. I and many others have a right to our opinion just as you do. And bashing children no sir I'm not. The targeting was not the reason we were disappointed it was all the other stuff. I'm very glad to see that you don't express your opinion on other kids since you just tried to imply that Balmoreah is dirty and purposely tried to break the leg of your QB. Hypocrisy at its finest..
Valley very well may be full of nice kids and coaches, but what I saw on Friday night was the opposite of CLASS! I was disgusted with their arrogance.
Arrogance!? No idea what you mean, if you mean celebrating when we score I am pretty sure everyone does. We are the opposite of arrogant. And funny we have had five personal fouls all year. Three In that game. So maybe the refs just got an ear full from people like y’all. Follett players came over and talked to our kids after game. And even liked my post that we won. So I guess they aren’t bitter. We played a team this year who got seven personal fouls in our game and we got zero. So I think we do have class. And I never implied balmorhea was dirty. I was using that as you taking things and bashing kids when no one from valley ever even said a word when we got hurt. It’s football. And I can assure you balmorrhea and valley will be a clean hard played game by both teams. Quality teams don’t have to play dirty. If you watched closer you would see our kids helping the follett kids up and talking to each other during game not trash talking. Not one kid we have played against this year has been hurt. So guess we aren’t hitting too dirty.
Good luck to both teams and may the game be injury free. We all make our opinions known, based on our raising our character and our conscious. So it's easy to have many different opinions. Some choose to be accountable and some choose to be the victim.
I’m talking about scoring a td then flipping the ball 5 yards from the ref like a show boat. I’m talking about multiple personal foul unnecessary roughness penatlties, I’m talking taunting the other teams coaches and sidelines after good plays, I’m talking about walking into the end zone, hot dogging it for a td. You can tell me what they are, but they SHOWED me what they are.
Yeah I remember that play when that valley kid broke his ankle. It was the first play after halftime. #9 from Balmorhea took the kickoff. The valley kid was all alone ready to make the tackle. He must have taken a bad step trying to make the play. If you want to say it was on purpose that's fine. Call them dirty. It will just fire them up.
Have fun? Lol. You can have a blast and not act like an ass. They’re show boaters in 6 man football in the small school bracket?? COME ON!!! Show some class, they showed NONE!