Motley co vs balmorhea

Motley co is a well oiled machine. If I was balmorhea I wouldn't kick it deep bc #13 for Motley Co can return it for a TD
I wouldn't throw the ball his direction on offense at all. His ball skills are unmatched. #4 will run by or around or through the bears defense over and over and Defensively #15 will make you wish your mom was on the sideline, that kid is a menace. The Bears are a great team no doubt, you don't play this far into November if you aren't pretty good but MC is a different animal this year.
#15 will make you want to sit on the bus. #13 will pick you off n return it. #24 will make big running holes for #4 n #15. #4 and #15 are a 1 -2 punch on offense
Westbrook is the only team that has kept MC on their toes for an entire 4 quarters. Saying that, it was the first game of the year. Other than that, I believe Knox, Spur and Jayton were the only teams to play with MC at all for a half or less. I said it once and I will stand by it, MC is the most disciplined team this year. They take those close games to another level if they aren't over by half.
Westbrook is the only team that has kept MC on their toes for an entire 4 quarters. Saying that, it was the first game of the year. Other than that, I believe Knox, Spur and Jayton were the only teams to play with MC at all for a half or less. I said it once and I will stand by it, MC is the most disciplined team this year. They take those close games to another level if they aren't over by half.
Oh yeah been to all of the motley co games this year. The first game this year they had to work out first game getters. If it's a close game or tied a half I seen motley co go in the locker room flip the switch and come out n rub away with it. Im ready for tomorrow night. Give me the MC 68 to 22
Bearfan should be proud. Your telling him MC gonna smack the defending state champs around like a rag doll. Just taking notes. What about onside kicks still #13.?.?.?does the front/second line block and let him get it? #15 #24 Or does second line rec. ball and front line block? #4. What about the other two players on the field. Might have to just kick for touchback or just straight out of bounds. Sounds like they have weapons all over the field.
Bearfan should be proud. Your telling him MC gonna smack the defending state champs around like a rag doll. Just taking notes. What about onside kicks still #13.?.?.?does the front/second line block and let him get it? #15 #24 Or does second line rec. ball and front line block? #4. What about the other two players on the field. Might have to just kick for touchback or just straight out of bounds. Sounds like they have weapons all over the field.
Well they can try to keep it for touchbacks. They can try and onside it motley co hasn't given up the ball on kick off all season. Everyone talks about how MC only runs the ball but if yall go back and look motley co killed spur with the pass. MC QB throw for 260 n 5 TDs that game. To yall different Players. See last year MC throw it mostly to #11
MC middle row is usually #4 and #15 and if you are kicking to them, I wouldn't want in the ball in either of those 3 hands. #24 is up front and has pretty good ball skills for a big boy. #8 is no slouch of a kid either, he is on the front line most of the time, that kid is a hoss and might be one of the most aggressive defenders in the state.
MC middle row is usually #4 and #15 and if you are kicking to them, I wouldn't want in the ball in either of those 3 hands. #24 is up front and has pretty good ball skills for a big boy. #8 is no slouch of a kid either, he is on the front line most of the time, that kid is a hoss and might be one of the most aggressive defenders in the state.
I know all of these kids since they was in elementary school. #8 plays noseguard and will flat knock you down. #5 is D end and stands at 6'5 and it doesn't matter if your blocking him he can reach and grad you and #12 is always making the play turn inside. #4 and #15 will make you want to go seat in the stands and #13 is a ball hawk. I believe he has like 12 or 13 ints and I know he has returned 3 for TDs and has an 76 yard kickoff returned. Now for offense all the plays can make plays when called on. Now balmorhea better be ready for MC onside kick bc #9 will be headhunting. Motley co has got alot of onside kicked this season
Well listen I don’t mean to be flip flopping on all this but I sure wish I had some more input from BearFan. I think we about have all things covered with MC and I may have to change my pick back to my original winner now (MC). Still i wonder about the kicking game. Very important and often over looked aspect of the game. Could be a factor.
Well listen I don’t mean to be flip flopping on all this but I sure wish I had some more input from BearFan. I think we about have all things covered with MC and I may have to change my pick back to my original winner now (MC). Still i wonder about the kicking game. Very important and often over looked aspect of the game. Could be a factor.
Motley co is very good when it comes to the extra points. They can flat-out onside it n get the ball back. The bears better be ready bc MC likes to hit you in the mouth on onside kicks
I’m a ex player and a fan I’ve known these kids since they was babies we ride together in Btown! Number 7 is still one of best backs in six man and #35 is alex Lopez lil bro and is prolly better than he was at this stage scary he plays college now !