11-man fan
Maybe you were at the game and just saw what the refs called But to say that Valley has bad sportsmanship is Utterly ridiculous. These are the nicest kids on the planet. The ref called targeting on a kid who wouldn’t step on a bug. One of our kids picked up someone in the Silverton game and ever since has been called a bad sport. He’s a great kid and it’s ridiculous to trash them on here when you don’t know what you’re talking about. These are kids you are trashing when you don’t even know them. I do know them and have for 18 years and they are great kids. Help people up after plays, don’t hurt people on purpose. And if you ask the other teams players after the games they will say the same What the ref calls isn’t necessarily what happens. So if you don’t know the kids or aren’t on the field yourself keep your mouth shut.