Who has the best chance?

i dont have a team im just watching games this year! lol the game is played on the field as of now i just see brehnam winning it all but thats just my opinion! i think towneast can also make some noise this year! played them last year in the first round and they showed heart in the second half and they have my respect!
veezy- we are replacing 6 starters from last years team. we are probably a year away, but we will compete that's for sure. we still haven't had our full team practice or play a game yet, but we are getting close. we are inexperienced still, but we are getting saltier by the day. we had a great second half friday night coming back from 20 down, we play Lifegate this week, gonna be a very difficult challenge, but its all good. You playing in college anywhere?
Nope no more athletics for me im just a regular college student working on getting my sports management degree :mrgreen: hopefully I'll be coaching some where in about 5 or 6 years.. who knows..maybe i'll be a sixman coach/ basketball coach in tapps :mrgreen:
Real simple. When the playoffs start, the first team to win four games wins the championship. Really doesn't matter who you play what week; you still gotta win four straight.
Wildcat, I understand that I most keep looking over my shoulder for the evil one ( Im using a little humor here) hey its getting hard to escape all the snoop organizations in the good O"USA.I join this board to have fun and talk football. and try not to offend anyone. Im still picking Breham to win it all. Now if the school closes before Dec. I'll go along with the Lifegate school and I have never seen them play. Yes only in America can we still express our oppinons. Oh, by the way I went to a public school so spelling don"t count.
This has to be one of the most hilarious blogs I have every read. I don't know if or where you guys played football, but I was always taught that the game was played on the field. When the playoffs start, on any given day at any given time, a last place team can beat a first place team. The last couple of weeks, a couple of coaches and people have taken shots at FW Harvest. Since when does beating up on a team (FW Harvest) make your team a valid state title contender? If that is the motivation that you need, then you got it; congratulations, hands down. I was taught, that in some point in time in your life you have to real with yourself. If you want to be a BIG DOG you have to play with the BIG DOGS. For example, why would Euless Trinity take pride in beating a 1A public school? Some coaches and fans on this website need to be real with themselves and look at who your teams are playing. I am the first to admit that we are not the greatest team, but that is our ultimate goal. We have 11 high school boys total and 6 of them wanted to play football. There is no way, as a coach that I would take pride in beating a team that I was suppose to beat; who does that? It is very dishearting, to see "experienced" coaches taking pride in beating FW Harvest and thinking that your season has turned around.

I am man enough to win and I am man enough to take my loses, but discouraging kids is not a good look on your part.

Coach Harper
FW Harvest
Wildcat not playing since Semipro, we all know that the game is play between the lines. Now are you implying that the board should only post the scores? I realy think that this board is about football in general.. Like Lifegate said, all you have to do is win four in a row in the playoff to prove your self. Good luck on the rest of your season,and I really don't think any Adults are knocking any of your kids, now other young people on this board ,can be talking Smack or what ever they call it. Hey that is part of their culture today.

Coach Harper, I don't think anyone has been talking about your team or your players. I admire you and your team and the dedication those 6 men have to play the season. Good luck to you, your team, and your coaches.
wildcat79":ifbv05z9 said:
This has to be one of the most hilarious blogs I have every read. I don't know if or where you guys played football, but I was always taught that the game was played on the field. When the playoffs start, on any given day at any given time, a last place team can beat a first place team. The last couple of weeks, a couple of coaches and people have taken shots at FW Harvest. Since when does beating up on a team (FW Harvest) make your team a valid state title contender? If that is the motivation that you need, then you got it; congratulations, hands down. I was taught, that in some point in time in your life you have to real with yourself. If you want to be a BIG DOG you have to play with the BIG DOGS. For example, why would Euless Trinity take pride in beating a 1A public school? Some coaches and fans on this website need to be real with themselves and look at who your teams are playing. I am the first to admit that we are not the greatest team, but that is our ultimate goal. We have 11 high school boys total and 6 of them wanted to play football. There is no way, as a coach that I would take pride in beating a team that I was suppose to beat; who does that? It is very dishearting, to see "experienced" coaches taking pride in beating FW Harvest and thinking that your season has turned around.

I am man enough to win and I am man enough to take my loses, but discouraging kids is not a good look on your part.

Coach Harper
FW Harvest

I believe that this post should be in another subject (TCAF Football) concerning the Azle Christian/FW Harvest game.
wildcat79":2usxfrx2 said:
This has to be one of the most hilarious blogs I have every read. I don't know if or where you guys played football, but I was always taught that the game was played on the field. When the playoffs start, on any given day at any given time, a last place team can beat a first place team. The last couple of weeks, a couple of coaches and people have taken shots at FW Harvest. Since when does beating up on a team (FW Harvest) make your team a valid state title contender? If that is the motivation that you need, then you got it; congratulations, hands down. I was taught, that in some point in time in your life you have to real with yourself. If you want to be a BIG DOG you have to play with the BIG DOGS. For example, why would Euless Trinity take pride in beating a 1A public school? Some coaches and fans on this website need to be real with themselves and look at who your teams are playing. I am the first to admit that we are not the greatest team, but that is our ultimate goal. We have 11 high school boys total and 6 of them wanted to play football. There is no way, as a coach that I would take pride in beating a team that I was suppose to beat; who does that? It is very dishearting, to see "experienced" coaches taking pride in beating FW Harvest and thinking that your season has turned around.

I am man enough to win and I am man enough to take my loses, but discouraging kids is not a good look on your part.

Coach Harper
FW Harvest
I agree with Harper
I Agree with harper all they way... Last year when we played teams we knew we were going to 45 and we did. we did not say "Oh we beat them Bad looks like we cant be stopped" no we didnt say that! Even though we 45 teams at halftime we still had alot of things that needed to be fixed at practice the following week! The lost to Tyler Street last season woke us up! And we went to work after that
wildcat79":32apikcd said:

It's in the right forum. All I'm saying is don't take shots at me or my boys unless a sure contender to win STATE.......

Well, I only make mistakes in days ending in the letter "y"
wildcat79":1ds2mgzo said:

It's in the right forum. All I'm saying is don't take shots at me or my boys unless a sure contender to win STATE.......

I think he is talking about the Coach Crenshaw bragging about beating up on Harvest. Are you saying Parkview is not a real contender?
All I'm saying is that the last time I checked you actually had to get in the playoffs to even be considered as a State Title contender.........
Who is coach Crenshaw bragging to about beating FW Harvest? I haven't heard anything on here about that. We better be careful about making sure are facts are correct. And if indeed this is the truth, then the coach at FW Harvest needs to call coach Crenshaw and ask him about it.
cowboy91":2j630x3c said:
Many hours put in by several men, but one in particular has given us what i believe as one of the best playing surfaces around. We could put a lot of public schools to shame with our field. And our program is coming around. We are seeing glimpses of getting to where we are wanting to go. Like last friday night, and no disrespect to the FW harvest team, but we were up 24-0 in the first 32 seconds of the game. We didnt shoot ourselves in the foot with stupid turnovers and had a really good game for us. Granted i know it was against a struggling FW Harvest program, and again I mean no disrespect. But that is something that we havent been able to do in a long time.

1. I am not Coach Crenshaw but I do help coach as a volunteer and have for 4 years now.

2. Never, ever once was I bragging in this post. I said I meant no disrespect at all to the FW Harvest program and I don't. I have been there and done that and we are far from being a state title contender. I think kids have to learn how to be winners and when you have been in the woodshed for so many years it takes a while for kids to "learn how to win".

3. Flyright if you have issues with me, then you need to address them with me. Quote me where I said anything to the fact of me "bragging" about beating up on FW Harvest, and also I know we are not a contender. In fact I started playing a lot of kids that don't get an opportunity to play in other games. Why you ask because I do have respect for Coach Harper and his boys because I have been in that very situation where we get 45'd every game of the year. You know what, I have a group of boys I wouldn't trade any coach in the state of Texas with. I love my kids and will stand up for my kids in any situation. But I will not stand around and let some chump ram rod me or any of my kids on this board. I know we are not a contender and the entire state of Texas knows we are not a contender this year, but please refrain from calling my kids out like that on the board with your underlying snide comments, please.