What Now?

Here I go again. The one thing I can't stand is a thief or a POACHER. We get to the lease late Friday night and my DSH leaves at 3am to get into his stand and get ready for the big one to come in. That day nothing but a few does show up and they didn't have enough meat on them to shoot. He gets out of his stand and decides to move to another area. He looks down and there's blood everywhere. Two poachers took out two deer. Guess who the poachers were? Our friends that came into our camp all the time and visited with us. My DSH had let them hunt which they didn't get anything. One of the friends decided to cop out and tell us who shot the deer. He admitted he and one of his friends had gotten two deer. They aren't our friends anymore. If they would of bought their guns and asked to hunt my DSH would of gladly let them. A POACHER IS THE WORST. It's just wrong to hunt someone elses land without permission.
Ok OFB and Ryry you two guys have just scared me to death. We know there are bobcats there but never thought of a cougar. Ryry it couldn't of been a Sasquatch. The animal wasn't that big or I could guarantee my husband would of shot it.
Yep it could of been Little Doggie but I think he's smart enough not to follow a dude carrying and 7mm rifle. I might of shot my husband if he shot Little Doggie.
Another story which is embarrassing, but as everyone knows I'm an open book. I'm on a water pill so husband set up a bucket for me in the trailer. I'm up day and night taking care of business. My DSH is so sweet that he empty's it in the mornings and lets it air dry between two mesquite branches. My DSH was out hunting and I and I was reading a book. I hear a noise so I slowly get up and look out the window. To my surprise it was a 4 pt buck right there at the dumping spot. I let is slowly walk off after he decided it wasn't the estres (sp) he was looking for. After that my husband wanted to take a little with him to the stand. You probably know what I told him in not so nice words. I'm on meds and I think the little 4 pt got confused.
westexasflats":k8d3x6w5 said:
Shane":k8d3x6w5 said:
Hunting. Duh. :)
Thats a fact jack..
and takin cool pics of what you shoot!

I just borrowed a trap
for whatever I got trying to get under mi casa.
If'n I catch sumpthin,
& shoot it,
does that count?
jus wondren.
MelaniB":rantk3ih said:
HAHA little doggie you have a skunk or a coon under your casa. Yep that count's as hunting lol.
Oh and BTW,
your DSH prolly wuz followed by Bigfoot.
Sometimes they stay way back
and walk on all fours.
he's lucky to have survived.
jus sayin'.
Have a great day!
Ok little doggie there are no bigfoots in Throckmorton besides those big bad football players. Whatever that animal was it knew my husband was tired of it following him and was about to shoot.
MelaniB":3fw6a9iw said:
A Cougar oh my gosh.

I got time to tell the story now. My uncle's father in law was losing calves. The tracks showed it to be a big cat. My uncle, his FIL, and his brother in law decide to go out at night and shine the spot light looking for it. His FIL was driving the pickup and my uncle and his BIL were in the back of the truck shining the lights, with rifles ready. One of them realized they hadn't ever looked directly behind them. They did and there was the cougar, about twenty yards behind them. Scared them both bad enough they missed.
We have a big hog trap and DSH and BIL went to check it. There was a great big black boar in it. They walked up pretty close to it and the boar had his feet where he could walk in the trap. As soon as they walked up there the boar started walking It scared them to death. They weren't too sure about the door. Now there is smaller wire all the way around the trap.
Westexas, Shane, Smokey,Pop and RJ I know that all of you have hunting stories. Let em rip. We can't let our lower lips droop because football is over.
OFB that is scary. I'm glad everyone was in the pick up. There's no telling what is all out in the country. I can't remember who had the Mountain Lion but there was one out somewhere close to the lease. I just talked to my DSH and he said that it could of very well been a cougar. They find cat tracks at the tanks all the time.
Westexas Oh wow. A big buck. We used to reload our shotgun shells and DSH had some misfires. We decided to buy our shells after that. Do you hunt from your truck or a blind? That one got away because there's a bigger one that will be coming up. I just know you will get him. We thought about it being a deer also but he decided it couldn't of been because when he walked the animal walked and when he stopped so did the animal. Oh you know what you could be exactly right. My DSH uses that spray. You know what I'm talking about. He sprays it all over his clothes. Got to call him. We are going to get this figured out if only in our minds.
Smokey WHAT??? You have to be full of bull. An Elephant???? I do watch the Animal Planet Shows where hunters kill elephants for their tusk or ivory. I smell a rat and don't tell me I hurt your feelings. An Elephant.....If I'm wrong I will apolligize but an elephant?

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