What is going on in Heath?


11-man fan
in case you haven't noticed but the Fulton Falcons are doing some good things. new kids in, great head coach! just giving people something to think about.
not a player. just noticed these guys are putting a whooping to teams so far. nobody is talking about them in the D2 games of the week.
go figure.
Player or not, who have yall played??? I have no problem with them being a legit team, and they probably are. In fact my pick to win the district, but slow down there little buddy and lets talk when you have played a legit team.
cowboy91- there is no ya'll here.. just saying people are sleeping on this team. who have they played? does it matter? good kids, great coach!
for a school coming off a 5-5 season I believe and to have already 2 wins is good.
just a fan here, no harm intended!
what school are you affiliated with?
I don't think people are sleeping on them. I believe coaches are well aware of what is going on @ Fulton. Rumor mill is they got a bunch of new transfer kids in and have a solid team. I believe the coaches know this. Not saying a bad word about the kids or the coach. And you know you are right 2 wins is 2 wins!!!

No harm taken.

I am affiliated with Waco Parkview.
I happened to scout a team playing them & was very impressed with their squad. I coach at another school, so I have zero affiliation with this team. They have a QB that showed to be athletic. A bruiser, stocky player as a RB. Very quick team. Now with all that said they seem to make mistakes that a young team would make. Defensively they were average at best. That is not to slam them and I am sure their coach will fix that. I can see them winning their district but once they get deep in playoff's they will have their hands full. Good Luck !!!
Having been around the team as a fan the past 5 years, I can tell you this...it's been a long process of building a program at Fulton. I think people forget this school has only had a secondary program for only 5 years. Yes, they have some transfer's this year, but mostly because of the stellar academic program they have put together. I know they will graduate possibly 3 National Merit Scholars in a class of 12 or so. Not many schools in the country can say that 25% of their senior class are commended National Merit's. I can say very objectively since my kid's graduated from another local private school in the area (not Fulton...they are a non-sectarian school, and we wanted our kids to have a Christian education base), that they made a great decision a few years ago recruiting a teacher/coach from Heritage to start these programs. That man is now their Headmaster (and I am personally a fan of him for the work he did with my children), and from experience I can tell you his commitment to integrity and high value of educational standards. He also thinks very highly of the student-athlete, as he was one himself. They simply get kids in their school that are great students first, and pretty good athletes after that. I think in turn, he made a great decision recruiting one of the top young coaches in six man in Coach Johnson, who has taken the program to the next level, whom I know he thinks very highly of personally.

But, like coachtim said...they are fallable, and I think he's right on when he says a deep run in the playoffs will be a test for them. Defensively, I think they struggle because they are small kids (though they do have one kid that looks like he's 6'7" or taller), but VERY fast. Spread teams that pass will have a tough time with them because of that. They are ballhawks on defense, and they gamble a great deal. Knowing the Defensive Coordinator, that's by design. They will get burned occasionally, but will also get alot of turnovers. Teams that run well will be able to run on them all day. Offensively, they are really explosive. They were up on Hill last week 32-0 before the end of the first quarter I think...and they only touched the ball 8 to 10 times. Their backs are speedy, and they do have one RB that just bulldozes his way through.

And like cowboy91 said...2 wins is 2 wins...the real test looks like 2 weeks away for them against Arlington High Point...that will really tell us what kind of team Fulton is this year.
I commend you for emphasising
the academic success of Fulton!
Most FB fans are quick to forget
that the whole purpose of school athletics
is educational in nature!!

If a kid has a stellar HS FB career
then ends up working at McDonalds,
what has he really won????
I'm going to be up front and say I'm a little bias. I was the A.D. last year at Fulton and it is a great school with excellent kids. I worked with Coach Johnson at Fellowship Academy (now Kennedale Fellowship) in 08, and he is an outstanding coach and even better person. I'm glad he came to Fulton and he will continue to excel with the resources the school has.
I haven't seen the new kids I hear that they have but they should give the Street a run for their money.
I miss you Coach J!
BTW, his wife is the volleyball coach there and she is just as good if not better than her husband! :)