What Happened?


11-man fan
What happened in Walnut Springs? This used to be such a respectable program, the players and fans had class. Now? Not so much. Milford easly scored in about 2 or 3 plays and the Walnut players gave up on defense. The players looked like they were more interested in talking trash then actually playing the game. Now I have no idea what happened in the stands at Walnut Springs, these fans sounded uneducated and just idiotic. Taunting players on the feild? Calling the big kid a "Coke Machine"? Really? Its really sad how far this program has fallen. I was embarassed to be on the same side as these people. This team has the potentional to make the playoffs due too a very weak district, but I dont see them doing more than that.
Coach4Christ":1icazyy0 said:
This surprises me.

Coach Trotter always runs a class program.

I think he still does, no, I know he does.
Unfortunately , his impact and guidance seems to end at the fence line. His team acts right, the stands, not so much. But this is a phenomena that can appear at any game, coaches have little or no impact on fans.