This situation was in an 11 man game but have to wonder about the officials. It was a 2A game.
Situation: 4th down ball on Team B's (Black Jerseys) 43. Line to gain is the Team B 42 (4th and one). Play run and ball is marked at the 42 and 1/2 yard line (on a turf field). The spot looked to be good and was marked by the Headlines and the visiting team was Team A (White Jerseys). Chain is on the 42. Officials rule Team A (White Jerseys) was short of the Line to Gain (correct call). Ball is spotted at least full ball short of the Tick Mark of the 42. The officials exchange balls and spot the ball for Team A (Black Jerseys) with the point (front) of the ball touching the Team A's (Black Jerseys) 42 yard line. The chain had been moved to the Team A (Black Jerseys) 42 and 1/2 yard line and was never reset to the 42. This forced Team A (Black Jerseys) to have to gain at least 10 and 1/2 yards for a First Down.
Based on the "new" spot of the ball:
A) Should White Team be awarded a First Down - Where the ball was placed they had reached the line to gain.
B) Should the ball be re-spotted at the correct yard line
Another question is should these officials, at least the White Hat and Umpire be allowed to continue to call Varsity High School games?
For us six-man fans don't get to upset with the officials because in the past 5 years I have seen a lot worse than this in 5A games.
Situation: 4th down ball on Team B's (Black Jerseys) 43. Line to gain is the Team B 42 (4th and one). Play run and ball is marked at the 42 and 1/2 yard line (on a turf field). The spot looked to be good and was marked by the Headlines and the visiting team was Team A (White Jerseys). Chain is on the 42. Officials rule Team A (White Jerseys) was short of the Line to Gain (correct call). Ball is spotted at least full ball short of the Tick Mark of the 42. The officials exchange balls and spot the ball for Team A (Black Jerseys) with the point (front) of the ball touching the Team A's (Black Jerseys) 42 yard line. The chain had been moved to the Team A (Black Jerseys) 42 and 1/2 yard line and was never reset to the 42. This forced Team A (Black Jerseys) to have to gain at least 10 and 1/2 yards for a First Down.
Based on the "new" spot of the ball:
A) Should White Team be awarded a First Down - Where the ball was placed they had reached the line to gain.
B) Should the ball be re-spotted at the correct yard line
Another question is should these officials, at least the White Hat and Umpire be allowed to continue to call Varsity High School games?
For us six-man fans don't get to upset with the officials because in the past 5 years I have seen a lot worse than this in 5A games.