Water Valley vs. Sterling City

WV Backer

Six-man pro
First big test for the Wildcats, underdog by 33. Do you really think Sterling City is 33 points better than WV? Maybe they are, I haven't seen them play, but I have a hard time believing it. What do the rest of you think? Are there any WV fans on this board? Whatever happened to the Rabid One? C'mon... like my Little League coach used to say, "Let's hear some chatter out there!"
Going to be real close.... I'm hoping for a WV win of course. Haven't read much about SC but taking their game against GC and WV's scrimmage against GC into account... WV gets the win by a TD
Probably the best 6-man matchup in the State this week. The fool tool just hasn't had enough weeks to get fine tuned yet. 33 point spread. LMAO!
SC was 12 better than GC. I'm gonna say.......
WV by 28. I think they are that good.......

**fool tool- meaning it will fool a lot of people this early in the season, not operator of such tool.
Dear Simply,

It iz good to see yew back. Iz one of yur younguns on the WV team? I seem to recall yew had a jr. high boy who wuz a pretty big hitter, but wuz at sum 11 man skool. Iz he now at WV? Plus, I don't knowd bout that 28 point deal. Whut I done saw of SC wuz a pretty dang good team that iz on the rise.
I like Graingers 33 point spread... but he just messed up a little and has the wrong team favored! I'm just looking forward to enjoying 4 quarters of WV football! My shekels are on the Wildcats!! GO WILDCATS!!!
Ok Ok Ok, I'll say something about the EAGLES, yes we are picked to win but I think we have been for the last three years also. I don't know why the "toy"
doesn't like WV but we here at SC know y'all are stacked this year and can't see what they were thinking when they picked us by 33. I don't like the way y'all
do the ragging and bragging, like last years signs at the b'ball game and the kids comments about us only going to state because we are D2 (when you have 40
or so less kids you should be D2) BUT!!!!!!!! There is no doubt in my mind that y'all are going to be a powerhouse this year. SC is pretty beat up right now from
last Friday and 1 big difference is that we don't have the depth or the subs and that may be our downfall. I hope its a good game and of course I hope we are on top at the buzzer but don't think for a minute that we think we are 33 points better than the Wildcats, that would be just plain stupid of us. Good Luck and
lets hope we get through this one with out losing any kids to injury.
Whhaaat ? 33 points down to SC!!! I dont see this at all, dont see SC with a WIN here at all. The Bald Eagle speaks of depth and the Wildcats have it! Dont get me wrong the battle of hwy 87 will be tough, it always is. I for one believe the talent, heart and depth will win this team some close games. Gonna agree with SimplyPut, WILDCATS by 28. I also think the "TOY" needs to be sent in for calibration. GO WILDCATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, some folks like to mention their depth and that is all well and good, but when it gets right down to it, in a close game that just doesn't make a whole lot of difference. If you have six studs, they are going to stay out there for most of the game. A little rest here and there by one "warm body" at a time subbing in will give them all the rest needed. (if they are well conditioned). I have nothing against the Wildcats, but I just don't think that they are an equal match for S.C. Just my two cents worth.
C. La Transviejo":2pgb15zd said:
You know, some folks like to mention their depth and that is all well and good, but when it gets right down to it, in a close game that just doesn't make a whole lot of difference. If you have six studs, they are going to stay out there for most of the game. A little rest here and there by one "warm body" at a time subbing in will give them all the rest needed. (if they are well conditioned). I have nothing against the Wildcats, but I just don't think that they are an equal match for S.C. Just my two cents worth.

C. La Transviejo,
Would really enjoy hearing a follow up response to this post after the game is played if you could spare the time.
Well, at least we got some chatter going. Personally I expect a hard fought game to be settled by less than two touchdowns. SimplyPut has a good point, it will probably be the best game of the week and I'm hoping the Wildcats come out on top.
Lets add a new twist to the equation, SC has lost one starter to an injury (out for 7 days) and one starter got in trouble and won't be allowed to play (possibly
all year) a pinch of two more starters that are dinged up pretty bad and probably shouldn't play, throw in a tablespoon of Strep throat for our running back and you have baked a cake called SC Football. The big question is will the varsity rest and re-coop. letting the JVers step up and play or do they go on and try to play a game and risk hurting their season??? STAY TUNED... these and more questions will be answered on Friday.............
One things for sure if the varsity plays they will be showing some guts and when they win they'll be showing their heart.
Well I just couldnt stay quite about this game, its going to be a good one. I hate to hear the boys from SC are banged up. I drove over to Glassock
County last friday and watched two good teams play, the boys from SC did a great job the score didnt show the real game SC beat them up and down the field
so I would have picked SC hands down if it wasnt for the injuries these boys have I dont know much about WV but heard some SC fans saying they are pretty good team. If WV does happen to win they will know they have been in a game cause those boys from SC will play and give it there all. The SC boys are lacking in depth
not heart.

I hope to see a SC win just hope the coaches step it up and help these boys bring home another win!!!
Its kind of funny the way things work in scheduling. Sterling seems to be on a suicide course playing Garden City, Water Valley, and Sands in back to back weeks. Three very good tough teams. The game against Santa Anna, Sterling carried 9 players on varsity. I just hope Sterling survives these next 2 games and is able to get healthy by district. I will have a smile on my face no matter who wins. I do give Water Valley the advantage because of the # of bodies they will have access to as compared to Sterling and home field advantage. See Ya At The Game.
Wildcats beware!!! I would turn a deaf ear to these posts about SC being banged up, some are sick, got in trouble, etc.... and keep right on preparing yourself for a tough football game this Friday!!! Just take care of bidness and let the cards fall where they may!! We'll be rootin for ya all the way! GO WILDCATS!!
Well said, Fortyfived!!!! Wildcats do Not pay any attention to these post about injuries & sickness. Keep working hard these next few days and be prepared to play SC starting line up. GO WILDCATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!