Water Valley vs May

Okay Tiger fan the time has come. The two best teams in the state will grind it out, and decide who really is the number 1 team. Water Valley better bring their A game to beat May, and likewise May better bring their A game if they want to beat Water Valley. It’s gonna be a dog fight for sure.
Just found out they play on Saturday. My lil girl is signed up to cheer in that red zone thing at cowboy stadium on Sunday already have hotel for Saturday. Man I’m in limbo!!! May have to let baby girl and mama go one way and me another way then drive all the way to Arlington after the game. If I do it better be a fun happy ready for the next one kind of drive. It’s a long way to be sad. !!! Go Tigers
Just found out they play on Saturday. My lil girl is signed up to cheer in that red zone thing at cowboy stadium on Sunday already have hotel for Saturday. Man I’m in limbo!!! May have to let baby girl and mama go one way and me another way then drive all the way to Arlington after the game. If I do it better be a fun happy ready for the next one kind of drive. It’s a long way to be sad. !!! Go Tigers
Dang Tiger you are in a pickle.
I had heard last night that May wanted to play in Robert Lee. Don’t know if that is true.
Yea I don’t either. Haven’t talk to any of the coaches. But it wouldn’t surprise me. We played there last year and once already this year. We’ve been on home side and visitor side so it’s possible coach went with it being that they are familiar with it rather than some place they are not. Just my thoughts.
Yea I don’t either. Haven’t talk to any of the coaches. But it wouldn’t surprise me. We played there last year and once already this year. We’ve been on home side and visitor side so it’s possible coach went with it being that they are familiar with it rather than some place they are not. Just my thoughts.
May will be the home team, but Water Valley will be wearing their home uniforms (black)
I will have to check all the old folks homes in that area to see if I can spend the night. If not, I
might have to sleep under a bridge. I will be there somewhere. Hopefully 1st & 15 will save me
and my brother a seat.
I will have to check all the old folks homes in that area to see if I can spend the night. If not, I
might have to sleep under a bridge. I will be there somewhere. Hopefully 1st & 15 will save me
and my brother a seat.
Yes Colorado City Friday night, and Robert Lee on Saturday night. And yes sir I will save you and your brother a seat.
Don’t know much about 3 teams. I do know SC played a great game against May. Their offense is explosive. Both SC and May have improved on defense since then it seems. I’d say whoever wins between SC and Westbrook will play for State. If I gotta pick one it’s SC.
Don’t know much about 3 teams. I do know SC played a great game against May. Their offense is explosive. Both SC and May have improved on defense since then it seems. I’d say whoever wins between SC and Westbrook will play for State. If I gotta pick one it’s SC.
Yes, I agree it looks like both teams have improved a lot since it was the first game of the season. Westbrook is very talented as well.
Yes, I agree it looks like both teams have improved a lot since it was the first game of the season. Westbrook is very talented as well.
I see where they lost four games but all were close. Just wandering if they had some injuries early on?? Granted they were quality teams so not taking anything away from them but it’s a bit odd to lose 4 and still be considered as a real contender. However, that many close games builds character and grit so there’s that. I
Yes, I agree it looks like both teams have improved a lot since it was the first game of the season. Westbrook is very talented as well.
I see where they lost four games but all were close. Just wandering if they had some injuries early on?? Granted they were quality teams so not taking anything away from them but it’s a bit odd to lose 4 and still be considered as a real contender. However, that many close games builds character and grit so there’s that. I
One things for sure. There will be two great games next week.

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