Waco Live Oak vs Azle Christian

Wouldn't be awesome if these teams were in the same league? It's a shame we need two christian leagues in this state! 60 plus teams in one christian league with two divisions, now that would be something to talk about when the championships rolled around. Imagine the two leagues together and then talk about who would meet at the end!
It sounds like those teams played a good game, but I would like to remind all those crazy fans that state championships are not won in week 10. bring TCAF and TCAL toghter could work, but the way I see it TCAL has the attitude they are the better schools, but then again TAPPS feels that way about both TCAF and TCAL. Azle nor Waco won anything friday night but the respect of the programs. I'M sure there are some TCAL and TCAF teams will have alot to say before they just crown them champs. Still looking for a team who just plays, but doesnt blow there on horn. TCAF will crown there champion in three weeks, and TCAL will as well. Good luck to you all.
Most the comments made about these teams have been made by folks independent of both Azle and Live Oak. Im not sure who pacman is affiliated with but i dont understand why he feels compelled to throw water on our fire. Last night was an amazing game by two amazing teams. Even though it was a nondistrict add-on game both teams' players knew this game was a very big deal because of the quality of teams and the great conferences they both represent. I think both teams quite frankly are under-rated. No one is "tooting their own horn" we are just enjoying the pregame and now postgame excitement. At this game and nowhere on this blog has anyone expressed "better than thou" attitude except pacman.
I gotta respect wisdoms post on this one. What A fantastic game between the elite teams this year ( at least as far as I have seen ). This was a six man game as it was meant to be played ! This Waco team was obviously on track, and ready to play. they lead early, and clearly played their hearts out to the very end of the game.
Wow !
This was the most exciting 6 man game that I have ever seen, and as exciting as any football game (bar none) that I have ever witnessed. Both teams played as if it was the championship. I was thrilled to see this level of competition. I was even more blessed to see that when the game was over, these beat up, and bruised, players came together and celebrated the fact that they were able to compete, and continue on towards their goals for this season.
I would hope that this game serves as somewhat of a reason for both leagues to get together... or at least as an (after State finals between the two leagues, until the merger finally happens). if this is not the case, then please "no more" of these games the week before they're respective playoffs start. I would love to see this game occur more often, but only if it count's towards something in the future. I hope that the live oak players are all recovering as well as the azle players, as far as bumps, bruises, and so forth, from this physically tough game that they played. The Live oak team and fans were wonderful sports, and athletes. I saw this first hand, and heard this first hand from my kid that plays for Azle. When he was tackled, the first player to extend a hand to help him up was wearing either colored jerseys.
I wish W.L.O. the the absolute best in their playoff run !
I would love to see Azle and Waco play again ! it was a blast !
but the way I see it TCAL has the attitude they are the better schools

Not sure who you're talking about pacman! Maybe you didn't mean for this to sound negative towards TCAL or WLO :?: . The TCAL family desire's to be the best by our good witness, good sportsmanship and to bless our schools and programs. We are proud of WLO and their humble attitude in being the very best they can be!

TCAL would like to join together with TCAF for many reasons, but not so we can be the largest. TAPPS is a great organization and serves a great service that TCAL or TCAF has not quite accomplished because of their lower numbers. However, together (TCAL, TCAF) we could do greater things. There is great power in numbers when people have a vision that is kingdom minded. Matthew 6:33

As the playoffs near, I pray blessings on all of the great leagues who strive to be the best that they can be for the benefit of others, not to toot their own horn!

"So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?'
Well pacman have you ever heard the expression " you just had to be there"? The atmosphere, the intensity, the drive, from both sides. If it gets any better than that in the play offs I have never seen it. The level of play from both teams was so high, I honestly don't think those boys could have given any more. Sure we all know there was not much to gain for the play off picture, but games like these prepare players for future battles. Remember man sharpens man like iron sharpens iron. After Friday nights game there are some finely honed young men in Azle and Waco. I guarantee pacman that they won way more than JUST the other programs respect in this game. They gained so much in Fridays game that I feel sorry for any team that they face for play offs. Both teams have become so much better prepared mentally that I know they both "won" . WLO did come out on top but there were no true losers there Friday night. Two teams that fought for their lives for 40 minutes and neither ever gave in............... Like I said pacman " you just had to be there".
This is the last 59 seconds of the Azle vs Live Oak game. This was the best game I have witnessed in the past 30 years! It was evident that every player on that field was there to play their best. I have two children on the LO team so of course I am a Falcon fan. However, I would like to add that the Azle football team played amazingly. It was the only time that I felt as if our boys were playing against themselves. A lot of talent on both sides. I am thankful to Azle for their hospitality and that I was able to be a part of this incredible game. It will still be talked about 50 years from now. Even though Live Oak came out on top at this game, I'm confident Azle's not to far from a victory like this.

http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=leg ... 3A3a7CX9Uk

In reply to an earlier post- Even though both teams played as if it was a championship, no one has ever said that it was. These two teams were chose to play each other because they were both ranked #1 in the division at the time and for no other reason.
not speaking evil of TCAL. I think the two should join up. I understand good football at any week is fun to watch, but if I play my best game on week 10 not november20th then I peaked to soon. I understand playing good teams early so you prepare you team for the long run. Greenville has done it for years, and when I coached againist Lary, my out of district games were public schools or TAPPS top 10. I have done this year my best to do that, and next year will do that. I dont speak evil againist any team, just would like to have to chance to play the game on the field before Azel is given the state title. I have seen three of there games and they do have a deep team, with some speed at runing back. There coach is a good man, and I enjoyed meeting him this summer. Good luck to all the school this week and to the seniors enjoy it to the fulliest.
Azle has not yet made it to the state game, and neither has whichever team you coach for. I do however think Azle will be there at the last game this year, and next year as well. It sounds as though you too, are putting your team into the championship game already. ( or, did I missunderstand your post ) ?
I enjoyed the clip of the WLO -vs- Azle game posted here. I also really hope that these players have something more to talk about 50 years from now than this nothing to gain, but fiercely played game. I hope that my kid gets to play bigger games, at a higher level. I guess only time will tell.

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