UIL Officially Announces Shotwell as 2012 Championship Site

panthermom":v6svnqi5 said:
Why couldn't they pick some place in the center of the state? Sooooo far away!

Abilene is about as close to the geographic center of the state as you can possibly get. I'll wager that 90% of all 6-man schools are within 250 miles of Shotwell.
Dogface":3lsvml1n said:
panthermom":3lsvml1n said:
Why couldn't they pick some place in the center of the state? Sooooo far away!
I always thought that Abilene was chosen simply for that reason.
It is! Abilene is always within 50 miles or so of the dividing line between east and west regions.
hornkeeper12":3lcci03g said:
Dogface":3lcci03g said:
panthermom":3lcci03g said:
Why couldn't they pick some place in the center of the state? Sooooo far away!
I always thought that Abilene was chosen simply for that reason.
It is! Abilene is always within 50 miles or so of the dividing line between east and west regions.

That's why folks say that the people east of Abilene are East Texas weenies. :-)
If ABILENE was "ALL THAT GREAT" like some of you are saying, why haven't they landed the Texas Six-Man Coaches Association Clinic & All-Star Games??!

Maybe Briles can pull some strings for the 6-Man Nation and we can just start playing them in the new Baylor Stadium in 2014!
Zephyr has the 6-man field closest to the geographic center of Texas (which is between Brownwood and Brady).


Abilene is the closest larger town, and it's even more centrally located to most of the UIL 6-man schools. Shotwell has plenty of seating and parking, and there are plenty of hotels and restaurants in town. I suspect that is why they picked Shotwell. Cowboys Stadium would be cool though.
Abilene has not gotten Sixman clinic cause they do not want to pony up the money. Would not be surprised if Wichita Falls was not in the mix for the future with Lubbock. Just saying.
Mr Jones that owns the Cowboys could certainly put in a carpet for Six-Man if he wanted to. It would probably mean playing the game on Monday or Tuesday if coupled with the other playoff games. Don't think he would do it the week before. He likes making money.

The deal on the coaching clinic being held in Lubbock is just what HPD posted, poor Abilene can not match the money the Association gets in Lubbock. Lubbock does a really good job with putting on the clinic. Much better than Abilene could ever do. I guess poor Abilene will just have to settle for hosting the state games for now.

The only folks I know that have a real problem with playing in Abilene are Richland Springs people or supporters of the Coyotes. Stems from the fact that Abilene will not let fans down on the turf after the games. They request fans go to the South end of the stadium near the dressing rooms to celebrate with their teams. Now that Abilene has put down a new surface prior to this season I doubt they will relax their standards for anyone including the Richland Springs Coyotes. That is a good enough reason I guess to dislike Shotwell. Otherwise seems like a decent place to play.

Still, everyone is welcome to come to Shotwell on December 15th. Maybe Cowboy Stadium next year. The Sun Bowl in El Paso or Maybe Follett or McAllen or maybe High Island or Karnack would be better places although Abilene seems to be a little more centrally located even if they are a lot more narrow minded.

As long as I have my health, I reckon I would go just about anywhere to see the championship games as I am accustomed to driving great distances to watch Six-Man but I have to admit it is nice driving a few blocks as opposed to driving a few hundred miles.

I just hope the UIL continues to like Abilene.

Don Hardin
WV Backer":31i6jeqz said:
High Plains Drifter":31i6jeqz said:
As long as it is on turf, you will have to put up with the "crowded field" markings. As to having it in San Angelo, think that would be great but the teams would have to bring their own water or dip it out of the lily ponds. San Angelo is not going to get off their duffs to try to land anything like this. They have or had one guy and he was too lazy to pitch for it when it was all going down. Glad it is streamed so I can sit and watch it at home.

Sooo... does that mean you have your doubts about San Angelo landing the Championship games anytime soon? Why couldn't the teams drink radiation water like the rest of us? Oh, I get it - treat your out-of-town guests to the good stuff straight out of the... uh, nevermind. Yeah, maybe Abilene is a better spot for the Championshp.

All well water is radioactive.......
Old Bearkat":2lvzgtpn said:
WV Backer":2lvzgtpn said:
High Plains Drifter":2lvzgtpn said:
As long as it is on turf, you will have to put up with the "crowded field" markings. As to having it in San Angelo, think that would be great but the teams would have to bring their own water or dip it out of the lily ponds. San Angelo is not going to get off their duffs to try to land anything like this. They have or had one guy and he was too lazy to pitch for it when it was all going down. Glad it is streamed so I can sit and watch it at home.

Sooo... does that mean you have your doubts about San Angelo landing the Championship games anytime soon? Why couldn't the teams drink radiation water like the rest of us? Oh, I get it - treat your out-of-town guests to the good stuff straight out of the... uh, nevermind. Yeah, maybe Abilene is a better spot for the Championshp.

All well water is radioactive.......

See, there you go. Straight from someone who should know about these type things. Even if he doesn't, he should. Actually, though I'd like to see the games here in San Angelo, I don't mind the drive up to Abilene and it IS pretty centrally located in the sixman football world.
Ok, here we go Mr. Don.........................been waiting all year for the 1st Coyote HATER to surface! I think your thoughts on ol' RS is funny as hell! But truly, NO hard feeling! The more HATERS that surface, the sweeter them wins are!! Not to mention a decent motivation tool.

I would venture to guess that if you would have been a big Six-Man Fan back from about 1986 - 1991, ol' Fort Hancock Fans would have received hate mail as well!

Don't get this twisted.........I like your post and I tell them damned old RS Fans to chill out!
One of those Shotwell loving Coyote Fans was wanting to re-name it........... Coyote Field Northwest (4-0).
If you are counting me as a hater of Richland Springs, you are dead wrong. I have lots of friends there and how can you not respect ALL that they have done. It is as fine a PROGRAM as there is in the whole state no matter what classification you want to talk about.

Don Hardin
I wrote this as a blog sometime ago. Needs to be updated. Think it was published in the San Saba newspaper.

Program, Program, get your PROGRAM!

Richland Springs Coyotes, now there is a PROGRAM!

Since the year 2000, the Coyotes have tasted defeat 9 times. Nine times in nine years. How many of you would accept one loss a season on the average over the last nine seasons? I think I failed to mention that Richland Springs has won 111 games during these nine seasons I am discussing.

Try this on for size. Only six different schools beat Richland Springs during the last nine seasons. Strawn did it 3 times, Panther Creek did it twice, Cherokee did it once, Calvert did it once, Whitharral did it once, and Throckmorton did it once. Learn more as you read.

2000 Richland Springs was 7-3. This is the worst record they have had in the last nine seasons. Strawn, Cherokee, and Panther Creek managed to pick up wins against the Coyotes. Panther Creek won the state title in 2000. As a side note, PC beat Strawn twice and Cherokee once in 2000.

2001 Richland Springs was 13-2. Besides 2000, this is the only time the Coyotes lost more than one game during the last nine seasons. Panther Creek again was one of the teams to notch a victory against Richland Springs. The other team to accomplish it was Whitharral. That was in the State Championship game beating the Coyotes 27-20. Do you see a pattern here?

2002 Richland Springs was 12-1. The single loss was to Calvert 60-57 in the Quarter Finals of the playoffs. Calvert went on to smash Abbott the next week and defeat Sanderson 51-to 46 in the Finals. Another side note, Calvert was down 32 points at the half to Sanderson in that Championship game. By the way, the pattern continues. Do you see it?

2003 Richland Springs was 13-1. The only loss came at the hands of Strawn 56-54 in the Semi-Finals of the playoffs. Strawn beat Fort Davis the next week for the Title. Have you caught on yet?

2004 Richland Springs was 15-0 and State Champions for the first time.

2005 Richland Springs was 13-1. The lone loss was to Throckmorton 72-58 in the State Semi Finals. This loss was something special, more on that later. Throckmorton defeated Valley the next week for the Championship. Are you with me?

2006 Richland Springs was 14-0 and won the State Championship for the second time.

2007 Richland Springs was 14-0 again and won the State Championship, not only for the third time but three out of four years. The Coyotes destroyed the Rule Bobcats 98-54 in the Championship. Rule was an outstanding team with several great athletes. They were 36 and 3 from 2005-2007. All three of those losses came at the hands of Richland Springs. Richland Springs led by Jerry Burkhart and his staff and Tyler Ethridge and a host of great players posted 55 wins against ONE loss over four years. I said earlier the loss to Throckmorton in 2005 was something special, that is why. One loss in four years.

2008 Richland Springs was 10-1. The loss was in Bi District to their old nemesis Strawn by the score of 83-72. Strawn went on to win the State Championship. So what is the pattern I have made such a fuss about all through this? I think it is safe to say that the road to the State Championship leads through Richland Springs. They won three championships themselves, 2004, 2006, and 2007. They lost to Whitharral in the State game by 7 points in 2001. They lost to the eventual State Champion, Calvert, in 2002 by 3 points. They lost to the eventual State Champion, Strawn, in 2003, by 2 points. They lost to the eventual State Champion, Throckmorton, in 2005 by 14 points. They lost to the eventual State Champion, Strawn, by 11 points in 2008.

“If and buts were candy and nuts” as Dandy Don used to say and Richland Springs had scored say seven more touchdowns in the last nine years than they did you might be looking at a team that won eight gold rings in nine years. Oh! What might have been? NO! Don’t kid yourself with what might have been. Live with what they did. Congratulations to Richland Springs and their fine program.

I know about “The Fort” and the great years they enjoyed but I will stack the Coyotes 2000 through 2008 years against all comers. If you are planning on winning state, you better figure Richland Springs in your plans.

Program, program, get your PROGRAM.

Don Hardin

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