the day--today


Six-man expert
It was an interesting day to say the least.

Lifegate was in town today and it just so happened to coincide with a talk being given at the Bob Bullock for the high school football exhibit. Two officials, Tim Crowley and Ben Wear from the Austin Chapter were there to talk about the game from an official's point of view. It was a lot of fun and they were both able to bring an interesting perspective to the talk. Both men are 58 years old, but while one has only been officiating for 4 years, the other has been around for over 30 and also works the Big 12.

You may know Crowley as Coach Crowley from Friday Night Lights. I have known Tim probably as long as I have been doing this, but had not seen him in at least eight years. He was dressed in his Dillon Panther coaching gear, but stripped it off at one point to show his complete official's uni underneath...

Ben Wear is a writer for the Austin American Statesman who answered a radio ad a few years ago and got hooked. He is heavily involved in the chapter and still officiates a ton of six-man games, including I think the last two Seguin Lifegate games.

Great stories...

I again remind everyone to get to Austin and check out the exhibit. It is running until January 22, so some on down to during the holidays at least. You can find more information at

Then Lifegate and myself ate some lunch and caught up. more good times.

I explained to him that I have finally cracked a new algorithm and may be trying to integrate this new software I found to display the results. Basically this thing runs through and determines who every team has wins and indirect wins over. It is pretty exciting, I just hope I can find a cool way to show it off. I am hoping to make it interactive, so you can select a team and see the results.

Lastly, we have the passing of technology icon Steve Jobs tonight. An inspiration and creative genius....

I leave you with this... good night

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”--Steve Jobs, 2005 commencement address at Stanford University.
I forgot to add one of the cooler parts of this data... I am hoping to add a map aspect of it, so you can click on a team and see where their wins and indirect wins spread to and how determine how much crossover actually occurs. I also hope to add division/conference so we can see who is spreading where...
no promises... lots of work to be done.

Oh, and I forgot to mention I received a Federal jury summons. I am on-call for the months of November and December... this should be interesting.
granger":3mhtvi0t said:
no promises... lots of work to be done.

Oh, and I forgot to mention I received a Federal jury summons. I am on-call for the months of November and December... this should be interesting.

easy job, guilty, and the death sentence is/should be under consideration
granger":nxx1eyba said:
I forgot to add one of the cooler parts of this data... I am hoping to add a map aspect of it, so you can click on a team and see where their wins and indirect wins spread to and how determine how much crossover actually occurs. I also hope to add division/conference so we can see who is spreading where...

You could call this your "pollon effect".
Yeah, Granger explained the whole system to me. But I'm too stupid to understand and/or explain it. I just nodded my head and ate my lunch (hey, Granger bought) ... but the trip was worth it just for the story Granger told Tim and I on the way out of the museum. And of course, I can't repeat it here.

Thanks for the lunch, Granger ...
CowboyP":1q43ral9 said:
Will it help Aquilla if I offer myself as a sacrifice?

Not really... remember, I keep a list of teams I hate and it is what it is.... <---for the uninitiated, this is a long-standing joke

Where's MattC when I need him?
CowboyP":3kpek4ls said:
granger":3kpek4ls said:
oldfat&bald":3kpek4ls said:
Sounds like the illuminati have met. Is Aquilla going down in the rankings next week? :-)

Did you have any doubt?
Will it help Aquilla if I offer myself as a sacrifice?

Not really. But I appreciate you putting me in the "illuminati" category. Perhaps I can put in a good word for ya...
Granger- is it possible to get a team removed from the hated list?
OBK- hornkeeper would be a better unimportant sacrifice. He screams like an 8 year old girl.
Hornkeeper- bite me!