Thanksgiving Appreciation...


Six-man fan
Giving Thanks...
Being that it is Thanksgiving Eve and I'll be out of pocket tomorrow, I wanted to offer my thanks and appreciation to everyone who makes this site such a wonderful place to discuss Texas' number one pasttime. Of course thanks must be given to the one who does the most to make it happen. Thanks Granger for all that you give through your website. It's quite a statement when the smallest form of Texas football delivers the biggest punch in information and discussion, and it's all because of you. And thanks to your patient moderators---they are superb.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours

Deer b.e.,
Jest wanted to tail ya how very much I luvs ya and how much you means two me. Yuz hass two be, b.e, the gratist lazy boy, jigalo, coach two ever grace a sixman field. yuz is so ella quint with wuds. I can hardlee xpress my joy. Don't bee little yur self, b.e., yuz at the top of the pedastill on this sixman forum. Granger is just kind enuff to allow you the four mat in which two broadcast yur profound nollege. And kudoes two old pop, a man also, two look up two and add mire. Yuz can truly say the apple don't fall two far from the tree.
Happy Thanksgiving, Luz and Kisses,
Bubba J