Texas Tech @ Oklohoma

I believe ut-norman has only lost 5 at home in the Stoops era. Obviously as a UT fan I root for the sooner or laters to win but I have seen a different kind of Tech team this year. They run the ball, they have a defense, and they don't seem to have the choke mentality. Should be a great game. Hopefully I will catch some of it when we stop off in Mississipi on our way to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. I feel the sooner or laters will have the edge being at home but really believe this Tech team is something special.
If Tech's defense shows up like they have the past 2 games, I firmly believe they will win. I think they've got the D playing really well, and showed last week that it wasn't just a fluke. The offense I'm pretty confident can score, but they have to keep OU from matching every score.

I think this will be a close game, but think Tech will pull it out by 2 touchdowns.
Since Bob Stoops rolled into town the Sooners are an incredible 60-2 at home with the only two losses coming to TCU and Oklahoma State. There is no doubt in my mind that Texas Tech is proven and belongs with the elite at least in 2008, but there is alot of difference playing on the road and at home especially against a legitimate program like UT-Norman. I think the schedule will finally prove too much for Tech, just like it did to Texas. It is a shame though that they don't put the Big four out of the Big 12 South in the BCS. The question becomes who goes to the Big 12 Championship? I think Tech should still be considered even though they lost late which is a no-no in the BCS era. That is what my mind is telling me but my heart would like to see Tech puller out for the State of Texas baby!
The Assassin":2tqnmksz said:
Since Bob Stoops rolled into town the Sooners are an incredible 60-2 at home with the only two losses coming to TCU and Oklahoma State.

Wow I was a little off, just 2 losses is certainly impressive.
Of those 60 games tu-norman has won, how many of them were against the #2 ranked team in the country (number 1 in the computer), and undefeated after 10 games?

I think you can throw the past out the window. The Red Raiders are a totally different team than what has worn the Double T's in previous years.

If Tech wants to keep Leach from going to Tennessee, they had better win the next 4 ball games in a row. Otherwise, I have a sinking fear that Leach will be wearing a Vol cap by February.
If Leach does not take the Tennessee job, then I would not be surprised if he took the Washington job or waited till UCLA or California becomes available. His days at Tech will be numbered.
I really think Tech will do everything they have to, including closing the entire Arts and Sciences College, to find the money to keep Leach around. Yes, Seattle is a lot nicer environment to be in than Lubbock, but Leach pretty much just lives football anyway, so I can't imagine he's that worried about scenery. He's built the program up to top 5 at the very least. Seems he shouldn't want to leave to go to a horribly slumping Washington team, unless he just likes the challenge of pulling a team out of the gutter.

There will likely never be another Crabtree, but he'll sure do well in recruiting in coming years if he'll stay at Tech.
I don't think getting QB's there has been a problem anyway, so he's got such a good thing going, I really can't imagine why he'd want to leave for any reason other than...well, Lubbock.
I believe he went to school in California, so would bet he would like to go back home some day. I have heard him on Jim Rome's show talking about his college days in Cali....I bet he would jump on the chance to coach one of the Pac 10 teams in Cali......
He's in recruiting heaven in Lubbock. Well, as close as he can get outside of Austin and College Station. Washington is a recruiting wasteland. There is not a school in California that Leach would go to anytime soon, unless Carroll decides to go back to the NFL )which would be career suicide for him).

Tennessee is the only place Leach might go to. If Tech doesn't go to the title game, the Red Raiders are going to have to make him the highest paid coach in the country to keep him. And Tennessee has a ton of money to be a player in any bidding war that might break out.
He ain't goin anywhere! UCLA and Miami have already tried in the last couple of years. He has stated that he is happy where he is at. Tech will keep him here, whatever the cost. There is more talent in Texas than anywhere else and he will not have any problems recruiting after Tech beats OU's ass and wins the big 12! 8) I would suspect that the folks that are saying he will leave are OU or UT fans.......they just want him to leave so those teams can dominate again and won't have that fear of losing to scrappy Texas Tech teams in the future. :wink:

Oh yeah, I lived in Lubbock for 5 years getting a BS and secondary degrees! It's a great place to live! I didn't want to leave but I had to get a job and get into the real world! I was a sophmore at Tech when they dumped Dykes and hired Leach! He is loved in that town and I believe he loves it i return. Lubbock ain't that pretty, but sure as hell is a lot of fun and has some of the best looking women I've ever seen.....but....that's just Texas for you! Jones stadium has proven that it is one of the rowdiest places to play in the nation. Mark my words, he won't leave! :wink:
I hope you are right about Leach.

I wished they would have kept Dykes on as DC back then. He had some wicked good defenses. I hated to see him fired.

He's got a car dealership in Lamesa, now. At least he did last time I was through there. But that was before The auto industry decided to take a huge crap.
Raptor":2utpyma3 said:
He's built the program up to top 5 at the very least.

You need to pass whatever it is that you're smoking.

Top 5 team? Absolutely.

Top 5 program? Not even close.

There is a HUGE difference.

Where are your facts to support this statement? I believe they are because they have climbed to #2 in the nation. Which makes them a pretty good program. List me factual information that says otherwise! :roll: :? What is your defintion of program and team? With them ranked #2, doesn't that the football PROGRAM highly ranked also? :?
Okay, I'll take a hit on this one. It likely is inaccurate to call them a top 5 program, as that probably requires 3-5 years of dominance - that spot is reserved for Florida, UT, etc. right now.

So top 5 team. At least that's the first step toward having a top 5 program.
It was time for Dykes to step aside. He was a great coach, and his teams had a lot of character. I think he'd hit a plateau and it was a great move to go in another direction. Tech's first choice was Rich Rodriguez, so it seems that Gerald Meyers can really pick 'em.

I don't want him to, but if Leach does move on, I couldn't possibly feel anything but happiness for the guy. I'd immediately become a t-shirt fan of his new team. He's taken Tech to places I'd thought would be impossible. The same goes for Crabtree.

As far as this week's game goes, conventional Techsan thinking would dictate that the Raiders go up to Norman and crap the bed in a big way. Call me a hypocrite, but if Tech does lose, I'd almost hope it's an impressive enough victory for Awfulhoma that they leap-frog UT. It just rubs me when a UT fan will openly root for their "hated" rival against a Texas team.
Where are your facts to support this statement? I believe they are because they have climbed to #2 in the nation. Which makes them a pretty good program. List me factual information that says otherwise! What is your defintion of program and team? With them ranked #2, doesn't that the football PROGRAM highly ranked also?

Seriously? You want facts?

How about the fact that Texas Tech has never won an outright conference championship? Granted they won the Border Conference in the 1950's, but take a look at the Border Conference.

How about a bowl record of 9-20-1?

How about an all-time win percentage of 55%?

Do these look like elite program numbers to you?

Last year when USF had climbed to #2 in the BCS, we didn't hear anyone talking about the power of the program even though they had accomlished exactly what Texas Tech has accomplished so far this season.

A program takes years to build. One great team does not make a program. I'd argue that the only team in the BIG XII with a worse program historically than Texas Tech is Iowa State.

A great team =/= a great program, understand?

Texas Tech football is on the rise, but you Red Raiders really need to quit thumping your chests because we all know that a season like this one is the exception and not the rule.

Now, I'd love to hear some factual information from you backing up the claim that Texas Tech has an elite football program. (I know there isn't any, but I'd love to you see you try.)
Red_Devil_DDS":qsofe5xt said:
It just rubs me when a UT fan will openly root for their "hated" rival against a Texas team.

Lubbock is still part of Texas?

I am rooting for both teams to lose. How about that?
Raptor":2w6rmskr said:
How about a bowl record of 9-20-1?

How about an all-time win percentage of 55%?

Do these look like elite program numbers to you?
What are their records since the hiring of Leach? HMMMM?

I guess I misunderstood you. I was thinking of the year at hand. Now, for this year TT has 2 heisman candidates? Chance at a big 12 championship and national championship and offensive numbers that are yet to be broken. There's some factual info for ya! Can you name another school this year that has those qualifications? Also, I'm guessing you are a UT fan, just a hunch. I love how when Texas Tech beats "Elite" teams how they, even after defeat, have a holier than thou attitude. Face it boys! Tech is better than you this year and quit crying and pouting because your only hope at a natyional title lies in a Tech loss to OU! I'm with Red devil in saying that it burns me up when Texas fans root for OU to win just so they get a shot at a BCS! That's BS in my opinion! To tell you the truth, I would root for Texas if the situation was reversed, but it's not....SO just man up to who is a better team this year and root for the Texas boys.....I mean, the ones that actually stayed in their state and not OU!

I will thump my chest because I have pride in my school....just like UT did when they won their national title! :wink: