Texas six man coaches association all star game

You are right, but God also gives man free will, and man makes and lets things happen. If that weren't true, we wouldn't have had the halocaust or be at war right now. We have grow and get stronger in adversities, for sure, but we have to change what we can.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

We also know that God takes things that were meant for evil and turns them around into good if we believe.

This game should have been a showcase for all the players.
I rarely post on these subjects, but because I was mentioned I feel I should this time. I did not say Rice should have been QB. I said I did not understand why Trotter didn't give him a chance sooner. When I made the comment, I was not thinking that, because he was chosen for defense, he couldn't be used on offense until the second half.
Coach Trotter is a good coach. He chose the player he felt would do better. He can't be blamed for the loss. The East was outgunned. Please accept the defeat with grace and stop bashing the coach.
No your hypocrisy hurts...."He who casts the first stone"
I dont know the men personally but they gave up a week of there summer to
work with these young men for free. Give them a little respect. Tell me where you work so I can go watch you and complain about
how bad a job your doing. How bout you contact him if you got a problem instead of hiding behind your false moniker! I very seriously doubt that your accusations are accurate....and btw when Doggie man is on your side then you should figure out what a Dbag your being!
Cowboy, it is not about the defeat. I am sure the West would have won regardless. It is about not giving all the boys a chance. It is about a lot of poor calls. They deserved better. You know these boys have been waiting for this game all year and for most of them, it will be the last time they suit out. I coached teen age girls fast pitch softball for two years, no pay, but it was about the GIRLS and not about a winning record or the prestige of doing it. It is not all about Rice, although I do believe the coach could have opened up the game and made it a lot closer if he had put him in and opened up the game since we couldn't do anything on the ground. I believe he could have played a lot of the boys and done much better in the game. All the boys should have been allowed to try out before the starting lineup was decided on, you know. We drafted new girls every year who were coming up to the teenage group. I would no more have made a starting lineup without trying out all the girls in the positions than I could fly. I would NOT have kept a girl in for the whole game who kept dropping the ball. I had other girls who could take her place and do a better job. They and the team deserved someone who could catch a ball and hold on to it. Gee, we were sixty points behind and still the other boys weren't allowed to play. That is NOT good coaching. It couldn't have gotten much worse.
You know that, sixty points behind and still not putting in other boys? How could that have hurt anything, there was no chance of winning and it couldn't have gotten much worse?
I am only thinking about the boys, not worried about the defeat, that means nothing.
truthhurts04":3w1untsu said:
Really wish you would shut up!

I agree...

hiscounsel-it's not because as you suggested "the truth hurts"...it's because almost everything you have said on this topic is completely wrong. You do not know what you are talking about and it would serve you better if you just shut up about.

It is obvious you have never met coach Trotter...I have and just trust me on this...this type of ranting is 100% unjust on so many levels.
It doesn't matter. I spoke only the truth and you know it if you think about it. I have every right to express my opinion. I never said that the East would have won, I know they wouldn't have, but a runaway all star game with not all the boys getting to play is a travesty and you KNOW it. Just means your mag is not reputable. Freedom of the press says I can post on a public site, you can refute what I say, but don't know that you have the right to delete. It is okay. I said what I intended to say. I am not slandering the coach. I do not believe he was fair or made good calls, that is an opinion.
Leman, I never said he was not a nice person. You are right, I never met him. He is prob one of the nicest people around. I am just taking up for the boys as all of you should be.

Shame on you all for not doing so.

He will continue to coach and I pray that he does very well. These boy will not get another chance to suit up and play.

Forgive me if I said he was a bad coach, but there WERE a lot of poor calls and all the boys didn't get to play. Maybe he does a good job with his own team, but I do think it was poor judgement not to let all the boys play and to keep in players who couldn't hold on to the ball or advance it. The fumbles and mistakes were what really hurt the east team. You know that, too. What would YOU have done?
Dogface2":3lr07ya4 said:
coach selection
will only make a difference
when a different KIND of coach is selected.
One who's priority is the benefit of all the boys in their last game,
not another notch in his personal win column.
I'm not surprised.
There's NO excuse
for all the boys not playing some in this game.
It's not hard to do.
I don't have a boy involved this time,
don't know any of the coaches,
wasn't at the game.
I wasn't taking a shot at anyone.
If all the boys played that's great!
That's all a parent should ask,
and complaining sounds more like whining.
If they didn't,
I was just assessing one possible reason for it,
and then stating that mechanically
it's not hard to get everyone in there,
perhaps even with the same amount of minutes
or close to.
unless we've actually done something like this,
it's REAL hard to make an acurate assesment.
jus sayin'.
hiscounsel":4cn2fmvq said:
It doesn't matter. I spoke only the truth and you know it if you think about it. I have every right to express my opinion. I never said that the East would have won, I know they wouldn't have, but a runaway all star game with not all the boys getting to play is a travesty and you KNOW it. Just means your mag is not reputable. Freedom of the press says I can post on a public site, you can refute what I say, but don't know that you have the right to delete. It is okay. I said what I intended to say. I am not slandering the coach. I do not believe he was fair or made good calls, that is an opinion.
Libel is written, slander is spoken. You don't get to determine whether or not you libeled someone....... That is up to a jury of your peers. .............
Judging from the majority of the responses on here, I wouldn't want to chance it going that far...............
You are right, I used the wrong word. But if coaches could take people to court for their opinions of them or their coaching, I bet most of us would be guilty. That is just something that goes along with the job, you know. You don't have to have a jury, you can just have a judge, that is your choice.For something to be considered libel, it must involve false statements knowingly presented as fact. In the United States, opinion is protected as a tenant of freedom of speech, and citizens retain the right to comment on public figures and entities, including government and officials. Entertainment, parody, editorials, and criticisms that may arguably misrepresent facts are not libelous so long as they are presented for amusement or stated as mere opinion.

Now, I am out of here, everyone can say what they will. This was all about the boys, and the truth can't be called libel in ANY court. I just want the boys who didn't get to play or just got to play a couple of plays to know that it wasn't that they were not good enough, they were just not given the chance to show how good they are.
CowboyP":u3tz45bu said:
I deleted your post about this from the Sixman Magazine Facebook page, and if I had the ability, I would delete the posts about it here.

now cowboy, in my opinion, you shouldn't have done that. Unless the verbiage included those few words we consider profane, or the post is patently racist, or a personal attack on someone, this concept of a public forum allows one to make stupid and obnoxious statements as well as the occasional intelligent one.

You open the door to a slippery slope once you start to decide who can say what. Granger removes very few if any posts, and at most will only clean up the language so that body parts and epithets become slightly more benign.

Afterall there are children that might accidentally read these post and it wouldn't do to allow them to see how so called adults really act . . .

For those that I disagree with I ignore, adding comments invites response and further fans the flames of discontent. Let a person vent then ignore, works for me.
Who decided it comes with the job? If I came to your job and watched you and then came on this forum and complained and trashed talked you would you be ok with it? I bet not! You claim to be a religous person but do nothing but put down this man....let me ask you this....what would jesus do?
truthhurts04":23htmh7z said:
Who decided it comes with the job? If I came to your job and watched you and then came on this forum and complained and trashed talked you would you be ok with it? I bet not! You claim to be a religous person but do nothing but put down this man....let me ask you this....what would jesus do?
I'm not defending the one guy in any way, shape, form or fashion. I disagree with every thing he said about anyone. Except for this. The job of coaching is one that is thrust into the public. Who decided it? You did. So did I. So did anyone who comes to this board. A board that has the coaches and teams and information about those teams as thread subjects, and topic starters. Even the most private of all coaches will be mentioned, referred to, and sadly, bashed on this board. The whole game is based off of entertainment, without there being an entertainment value, there wouldn't be a game. Just by definition, a job in the entertainment industry is subject to the public eye. As far as using "if I came to your job" as a basis??? It don't really work. Have you ever complained that your electricity was out? Or that the doctor you were using wasn't what you wanted? How about if you order a meal at a restaurant and they didn't get everything the way you wanted it? I hardly believe that you, or anyone, has never criticized the performance of someone that was just "doing their job". If there was a popular website that had people talking about the performance of McDonalds employees, I'm sure they would be criticized daily on the site. Oh wait, there is, it's called facebook. Other than that, I agree with you 100%.
The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, He was appalled that there was no one to intervene. (Isaiah 59:15-16)

Again, I ask you, sixty points behind at half time and still didn't put the other boys who came to play in?
Hornkeeper, when my elec is out I dont say hey that dang bob can't keep my elec on! All I was getting at is unless your perfect at what you do you probally shouldnt bash someone else. Especially someone that isnt even getting paid.