TCAL Football Meeting


11-man fan
Happy New Year!

There will be a TCAL Football Meeting on Monday January 11th. The meeting will be held at 6401 Bandera
San Antonio, TX 78238 starting at 10:00 AM

There had been discussion of other football meetings across the state; please be advised that that info is not correct. The other meetings in January are "Why TCAL" Meetings for teams that are considering joining us.

Things that will be on the agenda include:
Districts and regions
Scheduling of District games
Enrollment numbers/eligibility
Game cancellations
Playoff locations
Playoff formula
Spring football/summer workouts

If you have a topic that is not on the above list, please contact me no later than Friday, January 8th. We would like this meeting to be positive and constructive for the future of TCAL.

Please do everything you can to attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend, please send a representative in your place, so that your opinions and concerns are voiced. Important decisions will be made at the meeting by those teams that are represented at the meeting.

As we start the new year, I want to thank you all in advance for coming together to do everything we can possibly do to continue to improve the TCAL program for the honor and glory of our Lord.

Thank you,
Billy Helm

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