Strawn vs Borden County

BuffaloCountry":gzpe6jhf said:
And to think what McLean did to Strawn!! WOW!! McLean is King this year!

Honestly, i think it would be a much closer game had they played now vs. Their Week 1 opener. I just think after a couple games. You finally get some rhythm going, jitters out if the way and so on. I still think McLean would win. Their size is gonna be a problem for any team.
Jacketfann123":wski9w57 said:
If strawn and McLean played again strawn would dominate. They needed a wake up call, heads got big. Everyone knows this.
No Strawn would not dominate McLean, sorry. We saw what happened. Would the game be closer? Absolutely. McLean is still a few scores better in my opinion. I know Strawn caught their stride, got better, whatever you wanna call it, but McLean is capable of doing the same thing. It’s not limited to just one program, you know? Let’s not be delusional now.
Strawn will still be the Champs in D2 no question.
That’ll be my last post on the topic. I don’t want to take away from a phenomenal win by Strawn. I apologize if I came off as disrespectful. Not my intention. Just giving my opinion.
Jacketfann123":y8n57zuc said:
If strawn and McLean played again strawn would dominate. They needed a wake up call, heads got big. Everyone knows this.

How can you say Strawn would dominate McLean after they got smoked the first time? Would the game be closer? Probably. But you have no legitimate reason to think Strawn could dominate McLean if they played again. I think Strawn wins D2 and McLean wins D1. Still A LOT of football to be played though.
No disrespect and none taken we all just have opinions.. but I also said strawn easy by 44. And everhine called me crazy. McLean is phenomenal and sized amazing. They will be easy to the state game in d1 in my opinions.but I hold true to my opinio, strawn will not lose again this year. Losing was the best thing that happened to them.
Ares":1t4njxl5 said:
Wow, Bordens killing themselves with penalties right now.

Yeah, they had a few of those. And trouble with low snaps/hanging on to the wet ball. You have to give credit to the Hounds D though. I think I remember BC getting 1 first down on their first drive but did they get another? They were dominant and gave the offense the ball in great field position multiple times.
Great game by Strawn. The weather, nerves and missing starters certainly contributed to Borden's poor game. But it's a Team sport so everyone has to pull together and play their best. I hope Strawn saves some of that swarming fireant defense and explosive offense for Milford, Garden City and May. Otherwise it would have been just a sonic boom in Jayton.