Well, I wuz up in the Metro Metro today doin' a lil social networkin' to try and expand the bidness of my Bait and Tackle Emporium (yes, yew can sell worms on the internet). I went to thiz meetin' and met sum interestin' people. A coupla of them reely stood out. Thare wuz thiz one gal who had an Avon thang and referred to hersef as an "Image Consultant". Well, thiz image consultant's panties wuz hiked up and bunched up over the back of her britches and she had a bra strap that had fallen and cudn't git back up and jest stayed thare on her arm the whole time. Thiz uther gal proclaimed hersef to be a professional storyteller. And she wuz a reely nice lady, but she done had a speech inpedermint that reely hurt her ability to tell them stories. The speech inpedermint along with a set of false teeth that didn't quite set rite did however make fer entertainin' storytellin' even if I cudn't reely understand whut she wuz asayin'. Anywayz, the moral of this story iz thiz: If yew iz gonna go into bidness fer yursef, takin' the time and the money to do so, git a few trusted together and bounce the idee off of them and see if yew iz a fit fer it.