Six Man Independent Bowl Series.

FCSA football

Six-man fan
This years Six Man Independent Bowl Series is scheduled for Saturday, November 10, 2018. Teams with the highest final rankings in week 10, as released by will determine the teams invited and establish the pairings. The game is held in Gholson, Texas, just outside of Waco. Last years State Champion was the Morton Indians.
Contact 979-203-6765 for more information.
You are right, no distractions. It is actually scheduled for Veterans Day Weekend as it was last year. The Colors were presented by Junior ROTC HONOR GUARDS from the area. The games were broadcast live over the internet and were viewed in 7 countries and in over 100 U S markets. Over 2,000 people attended the games that started at 10:00 am and ended around 10:00 pm. Several hundred kids, coaches and trainers had a great time focusing on the games, competition, fellowship and meeting new friends, all for the love of the game.
There were no distractions, just great memories, especially for the Seniors.
“There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch what happens, there are people who wonder what happened and there are those that don’t know anything happened at all”......