Should we put a stop to Profiling?????

truthhurts04":1vgg9ugk said:
lol you just brought up the consititution...thats funny....does that not make you a hypocrite since most of the conservatives policys and your ideas of "profiling" go against everything the constitution stood for.

Oh yea and you can thanks the conservatives for standardized tests as well....

I can see your reasoning here. I will jump in on your side even though everyone else is saying you are wrong.

OK, lets make sure we agree here. A student in a school pulls a gun out in the cafateria and starts screaming. We SHOULD NOT do anthing because we might be racist if we do?? I understand and agree. No PROFILLING WHAT SO EVER, it is better that people DIE so we will not be considered, what term did you use, oh yeah, RACIST!!!! I am on the same page with you now but I have a hard time with this thinking, will I go to hell now? Help me out, ok?


PS I was in school when they decided to do the standardized test. We did not get them my senior year, 1985, but the next class had to take them but they would not count. The year 1987 is when they first counted. Who did this to us? My memory says H. Ross Perot. Am I wrong? He ran for president at one time under what party?? Independent I believe it was.
:lol: :lol:...OF@B, you know the English... stand in a long, thin line waiting for the terrorists to come out and fight like gentlemen, then hope the Americans or Israelis will agree to another lend-lease or gallop in and save their collective butts. They need another Winston Churchill or Magaret Thatcher.

I'm joking, some of my favorite ancestors are from England...Scotland?...Germany?...Ten Lost Tribes??? Really, I love the Anglish, Jutes and Saxon equally. Emphasis on the A.

Remember who said these?
"American's traditionally love to fight...All real Americans love the sting of battle...American's love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. American's play to win. I wouldn't give a hoot in he_ _ for a man who lost and laughed...."

"Oh, yes, and one more thing dear Lord, about our enemies, ignore their heathen prayers and help us blow those little bastrops straight to He_ _. Amen"

For the entire speech of the first one google "Patton speech" from the movie "Patton". Click on the one with the American flag backdrop. I'll let ya figure out the second one.
You know what's scary? Even back then Patton had his problems with that days version of the "PC police". Was the second quote from Admiral Halsey? I'll have to do some research after church.
The second quote is from Lt. Col. Hal Moore... in the movie "we were soldiers"... which is based on the book written by Lt. Col. Hal Moore and a military reporter Joe Galloway. Its a really great movie if you havent seen it you need to.
sixpack34":1ga0czvi said:
The second quote is from Lt. Col. Hal Moore... in the movie "we were soldiers"... which is based on the book written by Lt. Col. Hal Moore and a military reporter Joe Galloway. Its a really great movie if you havent seen it you need to.
Thanks for the info sixpack. I've been googling for an hour and haven't found it yet. I'm trying to remember another one I've heard. Seems after Pearl Harbor, an admiral way down the chain of command was given a large command. A reporter asked him about this & he says, "When the shells start flying, the Dept of Navy goes to looking for old SOBs like me." I'll have to do some looking for that one, but it's time to start on the honey-do list before I run out of daylight.
You are right sixpack34. I wonder if he actually spoke it? Unfortunately, that is the attitude some of our leaders must exercise before our frontline people will develop the proper spirit needed to prevail. And they will have to nurture this Hawkish mentally without the benefit of support from a majority of our elected leaders;they will have to win despite the handicaps inflicted by many politicians.

We need leadership that's at least half as tough as my mama. :p
You would think that would be the attitude of any officer leading his men into battle... I say let the military kick a$$ and let the politicians keep their mouths shut.... It seems to me that letting a bunch of lawyers/politicians decide what will happen in this world will only wind up working out for those men in the room. It seems to me it might be time for the people to shrug off this oppressive regime that has been slowly coming more cumbersome and corrupt with every passing day. For those of you soft hearted, ignorant folks who are against profiling are the people that we are profiling not doing the same to us. Do they not seek out Anglo-Saxon men women and children who they view as "infadels". "I would offer this muslims pray Peace be to allah and all who follow him" does that not sound very familiar to those who attend service regularly. Speaking of movie lines that could apply to real world scenarios like profiling... I would go with a qoute from kingdom of heaven " God will understand, and if not He is not God and we need not worry."
Melani posted this video on another thread. Take a minute and watch it and then see if you are ready for a change.

And then if you are wanting to know what is being done about it go to:

Remember reading about the "Boston Tea Party"?? 'Bout time for another one.

Ther ei ssome great information out there. I have read the conspiracy theories for years and and have never real went one way or the other. I am beginning to see a lot more now that I have opened my eyes.


If you want to know more I have links to all kinds of stuff. Have you heard about the huge coffins they are storing around cities?? Each coffin holds 30 to 40 people. Swine flu?? Something new?? Stephen King talked about it in "The Stand" from the early 90s. Hmmmmmm I had to get a tetnis shot last month. They said there was a vacine for "whopping cough" and other stuff in it by government order.

I will stop now.
I wouldnt worry too much about the big coffins, when the revolution happens that is where we are sticking all the pompous aces thatsit in the senate and congress. As well as other corrupt government officials. It does say something doesnt it... tea party they always told me history repeats itself. THe names change but the impact is always the same.

Cost of one tomahawk missle $900,000... Cost of one F-22 Raptor: $135 million,..."Cost of a single F-117A Nighthawk: $122 Million,
Cost of a single B-2 Bomber: $2.2 Billion, Turning all your enemies homes into steaming, smoldering piles of rubble..........PRICELESS
I agree 100% with profiling for suspected terrorist. We should let our guys do what ever is necessary to get the information from a terrorist without regard to his or her so called Obama rights to save American lives. What about a criminal that has taken a little girl and has lawyered up and won't talk so her life may be saved? Where should the line be drawn on protecting us? Should we use every means possible to keep the citizens safe? Should we do away with Gitmo and just simply give them a dose of their own medicine--behead the terrorist? That they understand. An eye for an eye. Is this too much???
Im with you eldrut, if they dont value our lives as humans why should we value there's GATA by any means necessary. Again America is proving that we are incapable of adapting to new age fighting. It has been almost 40 years since vietnam's brutal guerilla warfare, and we had trouble adapting. Our government told us that we would learn from the tactics our enemies used and the next time we would be ready. Now we are fighting a bunch of starving muslim terrorists who were hiding in caves, in the mountains so deep they couldnt see the light of day, with marines and other military groups scouring the countryside with such fervor they were reluctant to make a move. So the choice is ours do we slow our attack do we back off now... I would warn against this. If you back off of an enemy who is not defeated to his very core he will regroup, regain strength, reorganize and come at you again if he is worth his salt. When you foot is on the throat and your enemy is blue.... Push harder and finish the fight :x

Let me end with this quote from Gen. G.S. Patton " The objective of war is not to die for one's country....but rather to make the other B@$T@RD die for his"

Page 64 Section 165
"This is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions and Community organizations"

I watched the video and there is a WHITE guy benefiting from the organization ACORN.

Would this guy be consider a traitor in your eye's?
sixmanness":2i97xgwn said:

Page 64 Section 165
"This is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions and Community organizations"

I watched the video and there is a WHITE guy benefiting from the organization ACORN.

Would this guy be consider a traitor in your eye's?


If I am reading your commet correctly you just called me a RACIST!!! Is that correct? If it is I stand here totally offended. I in no way have ever posted a racist remark on this or any other board. I stood next to a black man when I was younger and told others that if they were going to burn that cross in his yard it would be over my dead body. I was engaged to a black woman for 6 months and was devasted when she broke it off with me.

YOU DO NOT DARE CALL ME A RACIST!!!! I take great offense to this and will have an accounting from you.

I have not called ANYONE a TRAITOR!!!! Point to any instance in any of my many post on here and other places on the net where I have EVER called ANYONE a traitor.

Your politics do not agree with mine so rather than present facts as I and many others have done here you have made a personal attack on my integrity.

I ask, no I DEMAND, a retraction and an APOLOGY from you.

If you would like to discuss this away from this board give me a call.

Andy Martin
Isn't it funny how people with what's it's names views only can respond to things they disagree with 2 ways. The first is to try to have the powers that be shut up all who disagree. If that fails, call all who disagree a racist. I haven't heard a logical argument from this person yet. I've about decided that this is somebody stirring the pot just to see if he/she can get an angry response. If that's what you have to do for jollies, at least be humorous about it. Go read all of Goob's posts and come back after you've learned something.
ofb, I did what I said I do not do. I responded to that post before giving myself time to think about it. That post did not deserve a response. Like you say, it is just another attack by a person that has no fact to back up their beliefs and are just lashing out at anything.

Goob?? Come on now, Goob is my friend. I have had a lot of good debates with him over the past 2 years. To appreciate Goob you have to take him with a grain of salt.....or an entire salt block, whichever you happen to have around. LOL

I would like for Good to come in here on this discussion, would really like to hear what he has to say.

I bet I get no response from the child trying to cause problems on here,
