San Angelo Times article: Burkhart suing everybody

Clearly the RS supporters are upset but JB is still athletic director? If he is, I'm guessing RS didn't cut his pay any with the UIL stipulation that he can't coach in UIL for three years? Does RS beat Cherokee this season with JB still coaching? Probably not and we know what the Cherokee faithful would say to that question. Appears the only free speech you are comfortable with is your speech.

What? lol. Time for your meds.

1. JB is the AD. He's not going anywhere, anytime soon apparently. Not sure how that's going to play out long term. Will be interesting to watch.
2. I have no idea about his pay. But many folks here profess to be experts on that subject, so better ask them. lol
3. Cherokee won fair and square. They earned it. I hope they can carry that momentum into the playoffs.
4. I'm huge fan of free speech. Especially when it leads to discussions that are productive. I don't make the laws old man, but I do have to live by them. Law states you can't defame others without possible legal consequences. I hope none of you are impacted by any legal action. I also hope that you can start speaking the truth about JB. Who am I kidding? lol.
What? lol. Time for your meds.

1. JB is the AD. He's not going anywhere, anytime soon apparently. Not sure how that's going to play out long term. Will be interesting to watch.
2. I have no idea about his pay. But many folks here profess to be experts on that subject, so better ask them. lol
3. Cherokee won fair and square. They earned it. I hope they can carry that momentum into the playoffs.
4. I'm huge fan of free speech. Especially when it leads to discussions that are productive. I don't make the laws old man, but I do have to live by them. Law states you can't defame others without possible legal consequences. I hope none of you are impacted by any legal action. I also hope that you can start speaking the truth about JB. Who am I kidding? lol.
If you are a huge fan of free speech you should know that opinions are not defamation. Look it up.
It's these posts that keep us updated with what is going on around Sixman football very good input on everyone's part. Please keep us informed on court dates etc. Would like to hear what JB has to say though but this has gone on for to long the UIL kept on ignoring the sixmans community inputs, everyone knew what was going on, last year's coaching changes and students jumping schools got out of hand coaches picking the school that had a chance to go to state then moving on, some schools look like AAU teams know is the time for Uil to lay there foot down. Just sayin.
It's these posts that keep us updated with what is going on around Sixman football very good input on everyone's part.

So ... this is a thread about JB and the legal actions that are occurring. Did you think when you read *any* post in the thread that you were going to get "updated with what is going on around Sixman football"? lol. This is a shit show. Just like every other RS topic.

Here's what's going on that is NOT related to legal issues:

RS is struggling and has been for a few weeks. I noticed it at the Lometa game. Lack of focus. Lack of fire. Stupid mistakes. And some issues with unsportsmanlike players. No excuse for that. It does not matter why. Losing is losing. Period. If they don't get their act together, they are going to miss out on an opportunity at the big game. I still believe that they can win out ... but there has to be some changes in the mental state of the players and changes in some of the play calling. All my opinion of course. I am not a coach.

Elsewhere in San Saba county, Cherokee is burning it up. Congrats to them. Keep up the good work. The Armadillos are pretty much done for the season unfortunately, although they put the hurt on their long time rival last night (Goldthwaite).
So ... this is a thread about JB and the legal actions that are occurring. Did you think when you read *any* post in the thread that you were going to get "updated with what is going on around Sixman football"? lol. This is a shit show. Just like every other RS topic.

Here's what's going on that is NOT related to legal issues:

RS is struggling and has been for a few weeks. I noticed it at the Lometa game. Lack of focus. Lack of fire. Stupid mistakes. And some issues with unsportsmanlike players. No excuse for that. It does not matter why. Losing is losing. Period. If they don't get their act together, they are going to miss out on an opportunity at the big game. I still believe that they can win out ... but there has to be some changes in the mental state of the players and changes in some of the play calling. All my opinion of course. I am not a coach.

Elsewhere in San Saba county, Cherokee is burning it up. Congrats to them. Keep up the good work. The Armadillos are pretty much done for the season unfortunately, although they put the hurt on their long time rival last night (Goldthwaite).
Probably the smartest thing I’ve seen you type on this site. Straight facts. Proud of you, buddy!
Statute of limitations disagree with you young buckaroo. Public site, user names. If mike released everyone's name and email do you not think they would be harassed by your fanbase or Mike being sued? I mean Mullins coach has been harassed by RS fans since the verdicts have been released and done. I dont see RS winning this lawsuit against anyone. Good luck again...with your 10+ people funding this ridiculous lawsuit...
Statute of limitations disagree with you young buckaroo. Public site, user names. If mike released everyone's name and email do you not think they would be harassed by your fanbase or Mike being sued? I mean Mullins coach has been harassed by RS fans since the verdicts have been released and done. I dont see RS winning this lawsuit against anyone. Good luck again...with your 10+ people funding this ridiculous lawsuit...

You might want to take some time and read the law. I posted the link above. You are incorrect about the limitations, sweetness.

Regarding the UIL lawsuit ... I have my doubts that JB will be successful. However, backing a man in a corner results in a pushback. Note, I don't care if YOU think he was backed in a corner. Save it. He does think that and how far he is willing to go to reverse the UIL decision is anyone's guess. I am not aware of anyone that is funding this current effort. You might be right, there might be "10+ people" funding it. That money will only go so far. Then there will need to a different source of funds. Gee, I wonder where that might come from? I hear defamation suits pay handsomely. lol.
You might want to take some time and read the law. I posted the link above. You are incorrect about the limitations, sweetness.

Regarding the UIL lawsuit ... I have my doubts that JB will be successful. However, backing a man in a corner results in a pushback. Note, I don't care if YOU think he was backed in a corner. Save it. He does think that and how far he is willing to go to reverse the UIL decision is anyone's guess. I am not aware of anyone that is funding this current effort. You might be right, there might be "10+ people" funding it. That money will only go so far. Then there will need to a different source of funds. Gee, I wonder where that might come from? I hear defamation suits pay handsomely. lol.
I think the Richland motto has changed to:”if you can’t beat them, sue them!” There is 0% chance that a defamation lawsuit will be brought in any RS/Burkhart future. The “supposed loss of income” of tens of dollars will not cover The lawyer fees of several hundred thousand dollars. This talk of Liable and defamation is comical. Defamation law suits pay nothing after attorney fees if it even gets that far. Get out of the “I’m suing everybody” mindset. It makes you sound not very smart.
Look on the bright side, recruiting season is just around the corner. Hopefully you can hire some better “teachers” this year.
The lawyer fees of several hundred thousand dollars.

Nope. I know better.

Is it really worth the risk? IIRC, you are one of the biggest offenders. I'll have to go back and do some reading ... all of you sound the same. lol.

My question is, why lie? Why spread damaging falsehoods about someone? It doesn't make you sound tough or smart. Just makes you sound like a pathetic POS desperately in need of attention and approval from like minded simpletons.

Would love to see honest discussions take place. Accomplishments, mis-steps, good, bad, ugly. Minus the "well I heard JB got a church to pay some family $xxxx per month to move in to RSISD". Was that your pathetic made up story or was it some other lying POS?

A former coworker of mine was sued for his online (usenet) banter. He relentlessly spread malicious content about a person. Not unlike some of the garbage I read here. 25 years later, he's still paying for it. You've been warned. I wish you the best.
Nope. I know better.

Is it really worth the risk? IIRC, you are one of the biggest offenders. I'll have to go back and do some reading ... all of you sound the same. lol.

My question is, why lie? Why spread damaging falsehoods about someone? It doesn't make you sound tough or smart. Just makes you sound like a pathetic POS desperately in need of attention and approval from like minded simpletons.

Would love to see honest discussions take place. Accomplishments, mis-steps, good, bad, ugly. Minus the "well I heard JB got a church to pay some family $xxxx per month to move in to RSISD". Was that your pathetic made up story or was it some other lying POS?

A former coworker of mine was sued for his online (usenet) banter. He relentlessly spread malicious content about a person. Not unlike some of the garbage I read here. 25 years later, he's still paying for it. You've been warned. I wish you the best.
Everybody always knows a guy. Pretty vague. The Burden for proof of Malice is near impossible to prove. Malice is more than banter, it has intent to harm attached to it. I’ve heard lots of blow hards talk of suing for slander but my problem is I know only of guys who knew a guy who knew guy that got sued. I would love to have an honest discussion, but as soon as things go the way the RS faithful can’t handle they start threatening a law suits. They will even sue their supposed good friends with high character who sided with RS (Lohn).
Real talk: all of this could have been avoided by not bending rules. RS had no business accepting a transfer that had prior contact days before. Or tell the kid no varsity. Don’t push so far you blow up your program.
Was the whole Hayes/Ethridge/Mullin transfer debacle worth the headache? Clearly no. RS had what they needed at home to get the job done. Why do it? What are y’all trying get from of all this extra stuff? I can’t imagine the cost of $ this whole ordeal has cost the school, coaches, and the booster club.
Let’s quit talking of suing people we don’t agree with and discuss more important things like can Richland get past Loraine and set up one of the greatest shootouts in San Saba county history against the high powered Indian offense.
This is getting out of about an actual lawyer chime in...

A few thoughts I have had on this matter: If someone wants to talk actual nuts and bolts of this kind of suit....

How has he been damaged? He is still employed and holding a position at RSISD is my he didnt lose his job...did he get a pay cut or lose a stipen maybe? If not he has suffered no financial damage at what's the damage done then? Guess personal anguish/damage?

Also wouldnt he be considered a public figure since he is one of the winningest football coaches in Texas...if so the burden would be on HIM to prove that someone intentionally wanted to hurt him AND to do so purposely and knowingly told lies? So whatever claim was made that he brings up he would have to prove 1. It wasnt/isnt true AND 2. It was said with the intent to hurt him personally in some way.

Also Whoever said he will never coach again is wrong...when this is all over he will be right there on RS sideline.
I asked this question before and never got a response, but does RS have to pay the good ole “Robin Hood” law like a lot of schools I know have too? How do they afford to pay all of these coaches and now attorney fees? Serious question
Nope. I know better.

Is it really worth the risk? IIRC, you are one of the biggest offenders. I'll have to go back and do some reading ... all of you sound the same. lol.

My question is, why lie? Why spread damaging falsehoods about someone? It doesn't make you sound tough or smart. Just makes you sound like a pathetic POS desperately in need of attention and approval from like minded simpletons.

Would love to see honest discussions take place. Accomplishments, mis-steps, good, bad, ugly. Minus the "well I heard JB got a church to pay some family $xxxx per month to move in to RSISD". Was that your pathetic made up story or was it some other lying POS?

A former coworker of mine was sued for his online (usenet) banter. He relentlessly spread malicious content about a person. Not unlike some of the garbage I read here. 25 years later, he's still paying for it. You've been warned. I wish you the best.
Dilla, It's good to see someone of the RS persuasion mentioning honest discussions on this thread. Every time I requested one the RS crowd in years past to discuss new players for an upcoming season it was met with dead silence. They knew the implication and the conspiracy of silence continues to this day?? And I agree with more than a few sixman fans that the issue is more than JB, it's seems to extend to the school board too. So did you move back to the area recently or just change your user name? I don't remember seeing your handle a year ago.

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