Rule Changes Just For Fun

Dogface":331y96v2 said:
hornkeeper12":331y96v2 said:
oldfat&bald":331y96v2 said:
Dogface":331y96v2 said:
hornkeeper12":331y96v2 said:
Change the mascots to something less intimidating.
Squirrels? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks alot!
What about the

Can't approve the chiwawas. Them little SOBs is too mean.
And possums scare the crap out of me, with their little creepy eyes and hissing. So they're out.

So what about Toads?
or Slugs?
Perhaps non-living items like the Pens or Pencils
or Paperclips?
Would food items be less threatening?
Toads and slugs would be ok, pens and pencils are too sharp, very threatening. Food items? Cupcakes, waffles, or maybe even get a corporate sponsor, and go with the Hershey's Kisses, I would stay with sweet food items though. The rotton eggs could offend little Johnny's feelings if he has a thing for fresh eggs.
Dogface":3bdiywgs said:
That's perfect.

I bow to your name-pickin proweress.

Nope, can't do sweet foods. I can just see some fat kids mom slapping a personal injury lawsuit on the HS nicknamed the "Cupcakes" because the name made her son get hungry for cupcakes, which in turn made him fat and diabetic. Sweet foods aren't PC any more, better go with the "Non-Fat Sugar Free Organic Cupcakes" to hedge your bets. "Tofu" is also on the safe side.
MMMM Food. You guys are making me hungry. Now my spare tire will probably get bigger and I'll have to sue the web site for it. Anybody know a good lawyer? Oop's that's an oxymoron.
How about the Quiche? The Fritatas or Sloppy Joes?
Not in 6-man but in college you do have the U C Santa Cruz Fighting Bananna Slugs.
The team names thing is pretty good.

Montana has a unique one. Chinook has the Sugarbeeters. Sounds pretty harmless, but they have a nasty looking mascot. You can find it with a google search.

I think ya'll may be missing an entire catagory though. What about clothing? The Bowties, Shirtwaists, Tuxedos, Lace & Skirts,....
mtjack":v1tz06g7 said:
The team names thing is pretty good.

Montana has a unique one. Chinook has the Sugarbeeters. Sounds pretty harmless, but they have a nasty looking mascot. You can find it with a google search.

I think ya'll may be missing an entire catagory though. What about clothing? The Bowties, Shirtwaists, Tuxedos, Lace & Skirts,....

How about the pantywaists?

Afterall, this is supposed to be about nonthreatening mascots.
oldfat&bald":bqdz6e6t said:
mtjack":bqdz6e6t said:
The team names thing is pretty good.

Montana has a unique one. Chinook has the Sugarbeeters. Sounds pretty harmless, but they have a nasty looking mascot. You can find it with a google search.

I think ya'll may be missing an entire catagory though. What about clothing? The Bowties, Shirtwaists, Tuxedos, Lace & Skirts,....

How about the pantywaists?

Afterall, this is supposed to be about nonthreatening mascots.
Will they use you as their mascot?
CowboyP":13lqw9h0 said:
oldfat&bald":13lqw9h0 said:
mtjack":13lqw9h0 said:
The team names thing is pretty good.

Montana has a unique one. Chinook has the Sugarbeeters. Sounds pretty harmless, but they have a nasty looking mascot. You can find it with a google search.

I think ya'll may be missing an entire catagory though. What about clothing? The Bowties, Shirtwaists, Tuxedos, Lace & Skirts,....

How about the pantywaists?

Afterall, this is supposed to be about nonthreatening mascots.
Will they use you as their mascot?

Nope. Pics of my ugly butt would frighten small children. Give 'em nightmares and what all.
oldfat&bald":3sd464tv said:
CowboyP":3sd464tv said:
oldfat&bald":3sd464tv said:
mtjack":3sd464tv said:
The team names thing is pretty good.

Montana has a unique one. Chinook has the Sugarbeeters. Sounds pretty harmless, but they have a nasty looking mascot. You can find it with a google search.

I think ya'll may be missing an entire catagory though. What about clothing? The Bowties, Shirtwaists, Tuxedos, Lace & Skirts,....

How about the pantywaists?

Afterall, this is supposed to be about nonthreatening mascots.
Will they use you as their mascot?

Nope. Pics of my ugly butt would frighten small children. Give 'em nightmares and what all.
I didn't think of that. That leaves me & Doggy out too.
I love how the original topics change in these posts. So here we go!
Puppylovers, Little Kittens, Baby Ducks, Jello-puddins, No-Hitters, Padded Pandas, Sugarcookies, Sparkles, Love-A-Lots, Rainbows. How does that sound "Come on boys, lets go beat some Rainbows". Exciting isn't it.
Sancho Panza":130mybe8 said:
Yessir they go by the Warriors but their full name is the Rainbow Warriors.

Rainbow Warriors, huh? There are soooo many politically incorrect, inappropriate jokes that could come from that mascot.
A padded panda has some merit. Try a Penelope Padded Panda on for size. Has a certain ring to it.

I don't think anyone has mentioned a rodent. Maybe even a raging rodent. Think of all the different mascots that could be conjured up.

I have heard of a school in Florida who were the drips. Unless you had a fear of water, that would be a non-frightning mascot.
As far as collegiate nicknames go, I think NYU has the least threatening, they're the Purple Violets.

A local school up here uses the Obezags. The rumor is that Obezag is just Gazebo spelled backwards. Theres a non-threatening mascot for you.

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