Richland Springs vs Sterling City

First off, lighten up Francis, it was just a joke. I know RS is a great program and I take nothing away from them in that regard.

From what I read a little bit ago, this game has been moved to the thriving Metropolis of Seguin, Tx this Friday. That's a shame because I bet the crowd at Mt Calm would have been large for this game on a Saturday evening.
Idiot alert! Idiot alert! Yew goofy pekkerwoods, whut iz wrong with yew. 90s legend or shud I say Poison, yur dumb as the day iz long. And the rest of yew, good lord o goshen. Don't let yur jellyness or hatred cloud yur thinking. Ignert, ignert, ignert. Do sum of yew know anything bout football? Have yew done actually watched a game? I done mite be the ultimate homer, but I iz smart enuff to done done shut my mouth bout stuff I done don't knowd one thing about.
One thing i will say about RS. You don't 45 the #2 team in the state for what? The past 5,6,7,8 years... Their program is not so elite, that they continue to dominate the east side of the bracket. I have watched this school over multiple years....Ready?

R.S. is the most fundamentally sound football that i have seen in six man. Every player that touches the field knows how to block, tackle, and run. One more thing, they can kick their extra points with ease. Mix the fundamentals with just a bit of talent, and you will have a great team year in and year out.
smokeyjoe53":3n7mqzas said:
WV Backer":3n7mqzas said:
But he doesn't answer the question.
O.K.......... here is my definitive answer to the question........ The Stork brings them.........
Your clever use of humor to avoid the topic not withstanding, clearly this is an uncomfortable subject and one you don't want to address. I've long heard rumblings of recruiting and foster kids at Richland Springs but never lent it much credence. I just chalked it up to sour grapes and the like. However, all six starters are foster kids? Wow, that's uncanny... and interesting.
Obviously you didn't appreciate Bill's sarcasm.............. sorry 'backer but the truth is as far as I know, most of the kids are natives of the land of sand. Yes there have been instances of transfers or move ins but that has been going on since the '60's and is not unique to Richland. Back in the dark ages of my youth, I had classmates transfer from San Saba to Cherokee for non-athletic reasons, others transferred from Richland Springs to San Saba for various reasons.
If you want to continue believing the myth of transfers to Richland Springs, go ahead but I suggest you take a look at the economic data of the area. That alone should convince you that it is simply not viable for mass recruiting to occur.
WV Backer":324htrns said:
smokeyjoe53":324htrns said:
WV Backer":324htrns said:
But he doesn't answer the question.
O.K.......... here is my definitive answer to the question........ The Stork brings them.........
Your clever use of humor to avoid the topic not withstanding, clearly this is an uncomfortable subject and one you don't want to address. I've long heard rumblings of recruiting and foster kids at Richland Springs but never lent it much credence. I just chalked it up to sour grapes and the like. However, all six starters are foster kids? Wow, that's uncanny... and interesting.

Ha Ha! WV Backer, you are so gullible! Have you ever heard the saying "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you read"? In this case believe none of what you read, especially on this forum. I'm sure Bill is laughing his butt off at you taking his bait.
By the way, were you on that 2003 Water Valley team that got knocked out of the playoffs by Richland Springs? I think the Coyotes put a permanent 'bur' under your blanket!
OK, I stand corrected and better informed. I DID say that I didn't lend it much credence. You must admit though, were it true that all six starters were foster kids it would be noteworthy. I guess Bill's "sarcasm" is lost on me but his baiting of the foster kids issue made it seem as though he was serious.
I understand that all the black helicopters for the Southwest region are based on an abandoned peanut farm around Bowser............ that probably is where most of the outside kids come from. They fly them in for the season then take them back after December for genetic modification............. must be true, it was on the internet...........
The likes of you calling me gullible... amusing. No, I was not on that team but I remember that game in Eden very well. It was the first time the WV had been to the playoffs since 1946 (before my time) and Jared Hicks et al. made short work of the Wildcats. I have nothing against the Coyotes team or the town of Richland Springs. However, I don't care much for some the RS mafia that skulk about on these message boards.
WV Backer":3p2mb5oe said:
The likes of you calling me gullible... amusing. No, I was not on that team but I remember that game in Eden very well. It was the first time the WV had been to the playoffs since 1946 (before my time) and Jared Hicks et al. made short work of the Wildcats. I have nothing against the Coyotes team or the town of Richland Springs. However, I don't care much for some the RS mafia that skulk about on these message boards.
You would if Richland Spring was located out West.

Same Bull$HIT as every year.
Ok, let uz see bout all of thiz...

First, while there have done been foster kids in the skool, there ain't none in last few years which I hate cuz thiz iz a good place fer a kid to catch a break. Now, when they wuz here fer a stretch they wuz bout five that wuz standout players...all sweet kids, but five yew cud done hang yur hat on, two especially.

Second, when it comes to people amovin' in, last time I done checked thiz here wuz America and folks cud damn well live where they want...and that done includes takin' their kids were they done want them to be skooled. But, I done guess Hillary supporters wud done see it different.

Third, when it comes to transfers, we ain't got no reel place to get 'em from. Bradychelle gots a parking lot a little ways out of Brady where buses and cars done collide. BrookeDr.Smith done runs three buses to Brownwood fair grounds ever dang day of which bout 12-15 used to be foster kids from a group home near the lake. And the Zephyr Heifers run buses to Tractor Supply parking lot in Brownwood.

Fourth, the only reason nobody ain't throwing a fit over all that iz cuz them people don't win.

Fifth, people jest can't handle the fact that it done boils down to better coachin', harder workin' and better buy in. And they iz always lookin' fer reasons to not look in the mirror and realize that they ain't doin' the same and that iz the reel reason.
Cougarfan13":1tl0nleo said:
You would if Richland Spring was located out West.

Same Bull$HIT as every year.
Considering the fact that you've been around for all of a year and four months, your opinion is based on assumption and reeks of ignorance Cougarfan13. Come on son, you can do better than that, can't you? By the way, it's Richland Springs (it's written in the title of the thread kid). Your ignorance is showing again.

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