The Tucker Brown Show will be broadcasting the Jayton VS. Blackwell game on Friday. Kickoff at 6:30. Listen live on 97.1 KVRP or online at
Post a shoutout on my Facebook page and I’ll get it on the air for you during the game. “The Tucker Brown Show”
You can also hear the Jayton vs Blackwell game on the TSB Radio Network by searching for Texas Sports Broadcasting on the Mixlr App or just click the following link.
Since everyone is pushing the Jayton v Blackwell game I might as well too lol
This one will feature a broadcaster who calls Jayton home and aided by some dumb so and so that calls Blackwell home who have covered both teams a few times already this year...should make for an entertaining and knowledgeable broadcast
I started in listening to NC and Jonesboro, but after the half they developed some feed back that caused the two guys talking to repeat themselves after about 4 seconds. They were talking in each others space to begin with. After the feed back delay it was hard to know what was going on. It gave me a headache too!
Jonesboro game.
I was listening as well, opening the page from Facebook it would play for a minute, then go silent. Once I opened it in the Mixlr app, it was perfectly clear.
KHBR 1560 AM in Hillsboro will broadcast the Blum-Jonesboro game Friday. Pre-game at 6:30 p.m. with kickoff at 7 p.m. from Hico. You can listen via the tunein app or from