Regional Finals/Quaterfinals Broadcasts

Since everyone is pushing the Jayton v Blackwell game I might as well too lol
This one will feature a broadcaster who calls Jayton home and aided by some dumb so and so that calls Blackwell home who have covered both teams a few times already this year...should make for an entertaining and knowledgeable broadcast
I started in listening to NC and Jonesboro, but after the half they developed some feed back that caused the two guys talking to repeat themselves after about 4 seconds. They were talking in each others space to begin with. After the feed back delay it was hard to know what was going on. It gave me a headache too!
Jonesboro game.
I was listening as well, opening the page from Facebook it would play for a minute, then go silent. Once I opened it in the Mixlr app, it was perfectly clear.