Question On Playoffs

I was was looking at the TAPPS bracket for DII, and was wondering why Dist. $ with only 3 teams gets 2 teams in the playoffs. When Dist. 5 has 6 teams and only gets 3. Seems to me in the South Dist. 3 should get 3 Dist. 4 only 1 And Dist. 5 should have 4. just based on the number of schools in each district.
The north half looks fair but there are only 2 districts and they have 7 in dst.1 and 8 in dist. 2 and they both get 4 schools in.
Does anyone know how TAPPS makes these decisions?
It is in Section 141 of the TAPPS By-Laws.

Teams in District Advance to Playoffs
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 5
10 5
11 6
12 6
Just clarifying district 4 was originally 4 teams. San Antonio Lutheran was originally in the district. Forfeited majority of district play in 22, and in 2023 decided late in the game that they were not going to compete in district in TAPPS. Not to mention they scheduled a 10 game outlaw schedule leaving the other 3 teams hanging looking to fill games late for the past two seasons. TAPPS did not want to punish the 3 other schools for the modification because a fellow TAPPS school failed to do their part. Therefore we arrive at the 2 out a 3 team district. Definitely an anomaly.
Does anyone know anything about Dallas Lakehill? They have quietly gone undefeated up until now, which is not easy to do at any level. Seems like they have come out of nowhere. Any help about these guys?
Thanks No-Check. After tonight it looks like: #1 Lucas vs #4 Keller Harvest, #2 Plano vs #3 Midland, #3 Lakehill vs #2 Abilene and #4 Wylie(Wylie beat Lutheran head to head) Vs FW Covenant, in the North. Good luck to everyone!!
If Coram Deo beat Lucas head to head why is Lucas 1st? The way I see it Coram Deo would be 1st Lucas 2nd and Lakehill 3rd. But I don't know what their district set-up as the tie breakers. That's what will determine it.
Fellowship beat Wyle and has a better district record, so if Fellowship beat Lutheran tonight they would have beat both Luteran and Wylie and would be 4th by what I see in the TAPPS standings.
Just looked on the TAPPS standings page and D2 finally has their standings up
Plano Coram Deo was 1st
Lucas Christian 2nd
Lakehill 3rd
Dallas Lutheran 4th
So, Lutheran plays Covenant
Lucas plays Midland
Coram Deo plays Harvest