Question for coaches using HUDL


Six-man fan
We are currently using HUDL, but the benefits at the same price for Krossover makes me look that way. Only bad thing is trading film and all the film we have on HUDL.

Anyone else moving to Krossover?
Anyone make the move last season?
Coaches using Krossover, how has trading film been?

Coach Schup
Dallas Lutheran
Coach, you should be able to download every video that you want from hudl on to an external hard drive. From there I would imagine there is a way to put that film up on Krossover once you make the switch.
As far as trading film goes Krossover has emailable links, I believe it would be as easy as emailing your videos to one another.
Hope that helps.
I push Krossover as much as I can. I loved it. Same price or cheaper than Hudl. Salesmen are always willing to make a deal to get your business. Totally worth it for them breaking down your film. Saves a bunch of time. Everyone always scoffs at the idea of someone else breaking down your film, but you still have to do some of the work. It really does save a TON of time.