Point after try


Six-man fan
A field goal attempt is made after a score. The placeholder on team A sets the ball and the kicker kicks the ball. No team B player touches the ball. Player from team B hits the placeholder on team A. Is this not a penalty? If so, what is the enforcement if the extra point attempt is good?
Need to ask, did he run over him, did he tackle or rough the place holder? Was he blocked into him? Was ot a case of just not being able to keep from brushing him? After all of those thoughts is a flag warranted? If so running into would cause down to be replayed on miss, declined on good kick by rule. If personal foul, 1/2 distance and rekick, or 15 on kickoff if kick good.
He was run over each time. In my opinion, he was running into him on purpose but was not completely just obliterating him. Was never blocked into him. Wasn't a brush. It happened about at least 4 times and a flag was thrown the last 2. I am supposing the call on the last two was running into because they never marked anything off on the ensuing kick off. Thanks for clarification!!!!
Mechanic's have changed a touch, headlinesman has some responsibility for watching holder on a extra point if only one official is back under the posts. Ref has the other upright, it's an awkward deal till everyone gets on the same page. Could be why you had flag on the second 2.