goscots":bvezguyw said:
BDog72":bvezguyw said:
Based on pages 42-43 of this manual, it indicates that there should only be one (L) under the posts when using a 4 man crew.
http://www.intra-focus.com/taso/docs/2011TASO4OfficialMechanicsManual 06_11.pdf
Check out page 59 - it applies to six man only. Six man always has two under the goalposts, unless they don't have a clue what they are doing.
Also, page 60 says that the Line Judge should give no signal if the kick is good, but I can't say I've seen anyone do that.
You might want to get the 2012 Mechanics manual as well. But that's the gist of it.
2012 was the first time the book officially allowed 2 back for a 4 man crew. U/J and the Linejudge go back.
Here are those mechanics.
R A. On a try or field goal, R's position is a yard or so to the rear and several yards to the side of the potential kicker, (favoring the L sideline), facing the kicker where R can see the ball when spotted for the kick. Covers as usual if a run or pass. Assist in sideline coverage if run develops to L's vacated side. Signal score after being positive that requirements are met. Rule on roughing or running into the kicker and/or holder.
U/J B. Responsible for your upright goal post and rule if ball hits cross bar on kick. If run develops, move to goal line to assist in ruling. If a field goal attempt is short and ball remains alive, officiate as a scrimmage kick. The ball becomes dead on a try when it is obvious that the kick has failed. Sound whistle when ball becomes dead on attempted field goals and kick tries.
H C. Responsible for legality of snap, entire line of scrimmage and ensuring one second delay observed by the defense before contacting the snapper. Quickly move to goal line if run develops.
D. If the kick is short or partially blocked, know if it crossed the neutral zone.
L E. Take position on end line at inbounds line extended. Responsible to rule on success or failure of field goal attempt passing over crossbar (only; R rules on ball passing between uprights). If kick is successful, give no signal. If kick fails to pass over crossbar and becomes dead immediately by rule, look to R and give “no score” signal (#10). If attempt is short and ball remains alive, give no signal, officiate as a scrimmage kick. Sound whistle when ball becomes dead on attempted field goals.
F. If run develops to your vacated side, quickly move along back line to back pylon to rule on the sideline. Next move is toward goal line to assist. If run situations develop to your side, you have primary sideline responsibility with R's assistance.
U/J, L G. When the field goal or try attempt narrowly passes outside an upright, the official nearer the ball may give a sweeping motion with both arms away from the upright.