the best thing for a team to do if they feel that the officials were terrible is make sure that the head coach has the card with the officials names that officiated the game and then make sure that the chapter that they are from know that his team WILL NOT use that crew anymore. According to the UIL both teams must agree to the officials used in the do I know this because they say this prior to every game over the loud speaker when the PA announcer reads that "happy feel good" paragraph from the UIL. A head coach can refuse to use an entire chapter. If there is a dispute between the two schools and they cannot agree, say one wanted to use chapter "A" and the other school wanted to use chapter "B" and the school that wanted to use chapter "A" was the home team then the visiting team would be required to pay for the officials and travel. If a school has a supportive Supt. then that is never an issue. If enough coaches and schools refuse to use certain chapters and certain individual officials then the powers that be take notice. Whether it be the chapter in the case of a specific official or the UIL if it is a specific chapter. A good chapter does not want bad officials it makes them look bad and tarnishes their chapter, a good chapter will get this situation corrected. A good official also if in attendance of a poorly officiated game will also contact the chapter of the crew as it makes a it bad for all officials to be blanketed under the impression of "all refs are terrible". No chapter wants a bad reputation, my suggestion is either train them better or drop them from your chapter.