Oh, Texas... Student arrested for building a clock.

oh and it had a plug to go into the wall to work along with a large LED screen... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA

"Hold on while I plug this in to show you the amount of time you have before my pencil case blows up...."

That English teacher is a freaking moron, she needs to be publicly shamed.
Blowin up ain't funny. Can anybody tell me what time it is from that plug in circuit board and bunch of wires while walking down the hall?
Your right. Ive been looking at your first post link of the conglomeration of wires and circuit boards he held up in his bedroom displayed for reporters. I had no idea it was just a pencil box. Can you provide a link for a picture of it? Most of our English teachers are not morons, I credit a couple with enhancing my ability to communicate, if not my punctuation at times.

Now when I first saw this, I thought suitcase and maybe... okay... sure. But then it was revealed that this is a pencil box. AND YOU CAN SEE THE MASSIVE LED AND PLUG. No real bomb makers put LEDs on their bombs.. that is Hollywood. Not even sure what type of explosive (other than nuclear) could do damage in something so small.

Here is the pencil case sans (without) Ahmed's clock...
Topher, have you actually did any blasting or watched someone set up to do some blasting? The case that I'm looking at would not fit in a shirt pocket. With the clock mechanism inside it would still hold a enough C4 to damage a classroom. Or the poor man's bomb, it would still be large enough to hold three vials of nitrate. Doesn't take much to do damage to students in a hallway or classroom! The men that I watched set up a blast of nitrate used a 12 volt battery to set off the electrical detonators. How much easier would it be to just plug into a wall socket?
Still no reply as to why a fake bomb clock is out of bounds and deserves 4 pages of comments when no one says anything about plastic knives. Am I missing something? Are the two so existentially different?

Oh wait. It's the whole Muslim thing, right? Doing anything to a Muslim serves as PC cannon fodder. Because we're all racist xenophobic gun loving hicks.
topher80":1djg8p61 said:
Where would a 13 year old get C4? Why would he show his teacher if he did have it?
Sorry topher, that doesn't fly...... You're attempting to apply logic to an illogical matter. Same as asking why does a 13 year old take a gun to school and start shooting.......
I think the teacher and principal could have handled this whole situation in the office by telling the young man, while his invention is great, it probably wasn't appropriate because some folks could misconstrue it to look like a bomb. Call his parents and tell them to come get his invention and take it home. Zero tolerance does not fit all situations. Sometimes a little common sense can save a lot of grief. Big schools don't know their kids well enough to know when something is not what it seems to people full of paranoia.
The fact of the matter is, it COULD have been a bomb. Was there some slight overreaction? Probably. But, if my children were in that classroom with something that COULD have been a bomb, I would be thankful that the teacher reacted the way she did. No matter his intentions, if he was that smart of a kid, he should have known this would raise suspicion.... We all know that terrorists have been known to use children to do their dirty work. Logic and common sense don't apply to this situation, the protection of our kids is what is most important.
With the thinking of some folks on this site, everybody is considered a terrorist. Next time you see the technology director of your school carrying computer parts down the hall, someone call 911. Get real!
Most of us don't believe anyone could be a terrorist. However, the threat of terrorism is real and more common now than ever before. Any possible threat should not be taken lightly, especially in a school. If your child was in the room, I have a feeling some of you would have a different viewpoint. In cases like this, all scenarios must be considered. What if it was a bomb disguised as a clock? Wouldn't you rather there be an overreaction and lives saved than a school full of children blown up?
Little Doc":qy03bfib said:
With the thinking of some folks on this site, everybody is considered a terrorist. Next time you see the technology director of your school carrying computer parts down the hall, someone call 911. Get real!

Terrorist? No. Mass murderer? What is does the prototypical school shooter look like? Per chance do they usually look nerdish? What did the Boston Marathon bombers look like? I mean before Rolling Stone immortalized one of them on their cover.

The use of the absurd doesn't support your position. It may make you feel better, but it is pretty baseless.
I'm glad we have so many bomb experts on this site. Folks that can tell what is and what isn't a bomb. You truly are an asset to your country. But this teacher (whom you call idiot and moron) probably hasn't had the in depth training you have had. (Maybe she should move to Canada). And Thank goodness for Obama! So glad he could get his two cents in!
Racism is alive and well...

If they truly thought it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate the school, or why did they send the clock with the cop and the kid back to the station?

The alarm went off in class, that's how the teacher learned of it. If it was a bomb, that would be explosion time, right? C'mob people, before you make texas look even worse, think about your responses. Common sense seems to be less and less common these days.
6manfan4life":1k3medqi said:
Racism is alive and well...

If they truly thought it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate the school, or why did they send the clock with the cop and the kid back to the station?

The alarm went off in class, that's how the teacher learned of it. If it was a bomb, that would be explosion time, right? C'mob people, before you make texas look even worse, think about your responses. Common sense seems to be less and less common these days.

Racism? Only from the reverse side. Tell me - would that thing had made it through the TSA gauntlet? I had an uninstalled video card set off a search. Plenty of Monday morning explosives experts on here wagging their fingers as if they have been promoted to finger wagger.
First off, I never said anything about this boy's religion, ethnicity, etc. I also have never mentioned that Canada would do this right so please don't bring my country into this...

Second, some of you have jumped all over the fact that this pencil case clock could have been a C4 bomb yet it was held for hours and no evacuation was done. If someone really thought it was a bomb, the school should have been emptied and the bomb squad called in.

It appears what has happened is really poor judgement on the part of the Irving ISD and Irving PD. This kid should receive a formal apology by both and teachers in that ISD should be educated on proper protocol if this ever happens again.
Topher my comment about race was not pointed at you. My Canadian comment was just a jab. I actually love Canada, love traveling there, and have a few close friends that live there. I agree, there probably was an overreaction here on the part of the school district and the pd. I'm sure the teacher in question feels foolish after the fact. The problem I have is calling one of my fellow teachers and idiot and a moron for being vigilant. You weren't there. As I said myself had it been me in a large school setting I may have done the same. I also believe. She/he should not have to apoligize for their actions. The school and Irving PD can apoligize all they want. Luckily we have a president that is all over the "important" topics.

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