Oh, Texas... Student arrested for building a clock.

In the 500+ posts I've put down here in 6 years, I don't think I've ever called someone a moron/idiot and very rarely thought it however in this case, we are going to have to agree to disagree. That English teacher is a moron/idiot.

As for Obama... I don't think he cares much since he is almost gone. The GOP will probably win in the next election but hopefully it's not Captain Toupee... if the Dems win I hope Bernie gets it instead of Hillary. <-- that will probably cause a firestorm on here. Sorry but, as an outsider looking in, he makes the most sense of all the Dems if that makes *any* sense.

Further, Canada isn't that great... it's cold and everyone prefers hockey. I teach at a school with 2,000 students and we don't have enough interest to field a football team. Makes me tear up thinking about it. Stay in Texas :)

As for Ahmed, the kid with the clock. I think his future is secured. Oh well, on to the next scandal!! THE PLASTIC KNIFE!
CP for Pres? I'll vote. But he's gonna have to talk a lot more then he does on here these days, and a bit more eloquently if he hopes for the $$$ needed to Trump the Big Hair, Bushes, Koch's etc.. The Presidency is now a purchased commodity no matter who wins (not necessarily by the candidate, E.G. Obama).
As the late great Paul Harvey used to say, "Now, for the rest of the story!"

It seems the boys father is a local Muslim activist. From what we are now finding out, the boy did not build the clock, the father did, and he deliberately made it look like a small IED. He had his son take it to school to gin up a "discrimination" case, possibly in view of entering the "lawsuit lottery."

Now, with this information coming out, and in light of the Texas "Loser Pays" law, I really want him to go ahead and file a suit and root for the school to fight it. I wonder if CAIR will get him a lawyer?
topher80":2zxfcf5r said:
Well then, this changes everything. What's the website with the story OBK? :)

Yes it does. If true the father should be brought in on charges of a terroristic threat. I don't think OBK would post such without documentation but I'd like to read it too.