There are a lot of things in the game where things aren't called exactly as written in the rule book. Take rule 9-2-5 for example.
Game Administration Interference
ARTICLE 5. While the ball is in play, coaches, substitutes and authorized attendants in the team area may not be between the sideline and coaching line or on the field of play.
That means all coaches, players, etc have to be 2 yards away from the field from the time the ball is snapped until it is whistled dead. 5 yards for the first two fouls, 15 yards for each subsequent infraction.
I guess we could start calling that by the letter each and every down as well.
I am not trying to start an Internet argument about this or that, just answering questions, and giving some insight as to what is taught to new officials and why, take it or leave it, if you don't agree, that is fine, I don't agree with my wife all of the time, but I still respect her opinion.