I had a thought about the mercy rule. How about if when one team gets up by say 45 points, thereafter any scores they make such as touchdown or extra point or whatever will count one point each. If the losing team, whose points remain normal makes a comeback and pulls within the 45 points, then the winning team's scores will revert back to the regular points until they regain their 45 point advantage. Here's what I think this would accomplish. First the scores shouldn't get too far out of hand. Second with the game going a full four quarters, the fans will get their money's worth instead of getting a half a game for their money. Third perhaps more kids will get in some more playing time and any player who has the potential to make it into the record books (rushing yards, TD passes, etc.) will get more playing time. I've heard it said "Look at (insert name here) had all those yards, passes, or whatever and only played two quarters most games. And lastly people have asked why 6-man games are never televised like the 11 man championships and it was said that they couldn't predict the time needed. Well this should solve that situation. What does anyone think?